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elliot mogger

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i think he was good looking enough to get a gf, but because he was non NT and had a bad childhood he could not socialize properly and blamed it on women, and in general was unable to get a gf
true the glaze is crazy hes mtn at best
do you guys think elliot rodgers actually mogs or is it just glaze🤔
Good looking and dateable for women unironcally IF he wasn't such a shit human. Unironcially if he would have kept going to the gym. Got jacked and kept towards a progressive mindset he would have had a chadish life in his later 20s.
Good looking and dateable for women unironcally IF he wasn't such a shit human. Unironcially if he would have kept going to the gym. Got jacked and kept towards a progressive mindset he would have had a chadish life in his later 20s.

Only thing that held him back was his body. Ironic that despite being on early PSL and body-building forums he still didn't decide to gymcel.

Only thing that held him back was his body. Ironic that despite being on early PSL and body-building forums he still didn't decide to gymcel.
If he was alive today I would have saved him
i think he was good looking enough to get a gf, but because he was non NT and had a bad childhood he could not socialize properly and blamed it on women, and in general was unable to get a gf
He had a bad father but not necessarily a bad childhood. Many kids had it worse and grew up to be alright. He wasn't bad looking other than being incredibly small.

Something was very wrong with him. He would cry for hours over stupid stuff. Needed a few good beatings from a loving father if you ask me. Too coddled, but too ignored as well.
He had a bad father but not necessarily a bad childhood. Many kids had it worse and grew up to be alright. He wasn't bad looking other than being incredibly small.

Something was very wrong with him. He would cry for hours over stupid stuff. Needed a few good beatings from a loving father if you ask me. Too coddled, but too ignored as well.
he had some kind of neurological problem and could not socialize properly
i dont think it was because he was spoiled
not just strong possibility, its legit
look up about his life
he was very antisocial and had many problems since he was little and was diagnosed with something along the lines of autism
I read his manifesto like 4 times when I lived in China. It's a good read. Non fiction English material is pretty much completely banned in China. He didn't seem autistic to me. Just a weak minded dummy.

They give out diagnosis like candy in the US in behalf of big pharma. I've only been diagnosed with ADHD myself. It's bullshit though. It's not that I couldn't pay attention to things, I just didn't want to pay attention. Thankfully I refused to be evaluated for anything in my teenage years. Mommy tried making me see a shrink at 14 but I didn't go along with it.
not just strong possibility, its legit
look up about his life
he was very antisocial and had many problems since he was little and was diagnosed with something along the lines of autism
I read his manifesto like 4 times when I lived in China. It's a good read. Non fiction English material is pretty much completely banned in China. He didn't seem autistic to me. Just a weak minded dummy.

They give out diagnosis like candy in the US in behalf of big pharma. I've only been diagnosed with ADHD myself. It's bullshit though. It's not that I couldn't pay attention to things, I just didn't want to pay attention. Thankfully I refused to be evaluated for anything later on in my teenage years. Mommy tried making me see a shrink at 14 but I didn't go along with it.
This dude is the ultimate proof that being good looking but having mental health issues and a lack of social skills gets you no girl

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