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Endocrinologist told me HGH is cap


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2024
I have a boneless face(and not enough height), so I thought about using HGH to help with that

Obviously went to a doc first, so I don’t kill myself with that due to being clueless about that stuff. Doc told me that because I am 18, my growth plates are closed and HGH will grow only cartilage(nose, neck, tongue, fingers etc) and muscles, but it won’t help with the skull and height. She was nice and didn’t charge me for the consultation tho.

Wanna hear what people here have to say about that. Is HGH just for minors?
I have a boneless face(and not enough height), so I thought about using HGH to help with that

Obviously went to a doc first, so I don’t kill myself with that due to being clueless about that stuff. Doc told me that because I am 18, my growth plates are closed and HGH will grow only cartilage(nose, neck, tongue, fingers etc) and muscles, but it won’t help with the skull and height. She was nice and didn’t charge me for the consultation tho.

Wanna hear what people here have to say about that. Is HGH just for minors?
she is right
your skull sutures shouldn’t be closed yet, so you could definitely see some results in the skull and face. As for height, if your plates are closed you will not see results from HGH alone, but maybe if you do torsional loading like @osteochondromyxoma talks about all the time, the HGH will speed up the process and you can get a couple cm’s more.
Many of the black theory is based on more recent scientific papers that are not Mainstream consensus in the medicine community
