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Discussion Es ist Zeit für Größe. Wir mussen die manlets ausrotten

Unfortunately nobody came up with a valid chemical height maxxing regimen (leg lengthening surgery doesn't count)
lol so i was nowhere close then.
Funnily enough I watched this episode just a few days ago. X)
180cm isnt manlet

Although not tall either

Im 190 now and 193 in the morning

I grew 6cm in the last few months

And im not even done growing yet

High prenatal T genetics are life
That Lifefuel for u tbh but I am considered a manlet in my family. My dad is 6ft5 and all my uncles on my mom side are build like usian bolt. The last time I saw my brother who was nine at the time was 5ft6 which is fucking crazy to think about.
That Lifefuel for u tbh but I am considered a manlet in my family. My dad is 6ft5 and all my uncles on my mom side are build like usian bolt. The last time I saw my brother who was nine at the time was 5ft6 which is fucking crazy to think about.

This is beyond devastating
Sucks man
clown world

When I'll ascend with LL and with alcolars compounds, I'm gonna beat and bully those whores, degenerate playboys, narcy chads,prettyboys and feminist faggots to utter suicide
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  • #20
180cm isnt manlet

Although not tall either

Im 190 now and 193 in the morning

I grew 6cm in the last few months

And im not even done growing yet

High prenatal T genetics are life

I hope that's not your face on that avatar...
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  • #29
clown world

When I'll ascend with LL and with alcolars compounds, I'm gonna beat and bully those whores, degenerate playboys, narcy chads,prettyboys and feminist faggots to utter suicide
Who's Alcolar? Was that the Turkish Researcher?

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