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Discussion Eugenics Creating the Human Of Tomorrow


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2024
As you may know, eugenics keep being something thanks to sexual selection and the rate of reproduction of certain phenos being higher then others.

In this case, we discuss the means and conditions that are selecting the future biological state of mankind in the future,

There was a British (if i recall correctly) group of eugenics who were of a feminist movement. They believed that if women were free to chose their partners, mankind would be greatly perfected.

It is to suppose that a good amount of black pill theorists would agree that the future of humanity would be aimed on the creation of PSL gods genetics easily found on most of the population.

Indeed, in a class of eugenics, the professor showed us a interesting data: most left wing group out there (lesbians) surprisingly select (in around 75% of the cases) tall, blonde blue eyed men sperms so that their kids have those same traits.

However, even with those points of view, sexual preference can actually be unable to change my hypothesis:
People will all be mixed with Asians.

Why? because they are already the majority of the population. Globalization and the fact that Asian women is one of the most attractive out there according to black pill scientific data could indicate that the asian genes around the world increases more than any other even with a clear sexual selection to overall white aesthetic.

But hey, i want to know the opinions of you all.
Everyone is going to be one race lol no diversity. And yea Asians have the most dominant features especially east, so yup you're right.
yes sexual selection is basically eugenics
humans should be given a lot more freedom, that way things will be natural
also for the lonely incel men, they should take the pinkpill, as in transition to women and turn gay
while people with good genes should be incenvitized to donate sperm or be pregnant
Everyone is going to be one race lol no diversity. And yea Asians have the most dominant features especially east, so yup you're right.
i feel like specific races will become rare, not dissolve altogether. like there will be people out there trying to preserve races and breeding specifically only the same pheno
and also everyone being one race is bad, lack of diversity is terrible for a species. good or bad, we need gene diversity to withstand certain conditions. even tho nowadays we dont get hunted everyday, we need more variability for stuff like better immune system and withstanding effects of pollution because those are still risky nowadays
i feel like specific races will become rare, not dissolve altogether. like there will be people out there trying to preserve races and breeding specifically only the same pheno
and also everyone being one race is bad, lack of diversity is terrible for a species. good or bad, we need gene diversity to withstand certain conditions. even tho nowadays we dont get hunted everyday, we need more variability for stuff like better immune system and withstanding effects of pollution because those are still risky nowadays
I think Aboriginals and pretty much hispanics + native americans will be pretty rare. White race is gonna be mixed in pretty well except Scandinavian Countries who like to marry in and not out their ethnicity.
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  • #6
yes sexual selection is basically eugenics
humans should be given a lot more freedom, that way things will be natural
also for the lonely incel men, they should take the pinkpill, as in transition to women and turn gay
while people with good genes should be incenvitized to donate sperm or be pregnant
Private eugenics is legal in the case of lesbian couples. And shure, there are sexual selection.

But will private eugenics in the form of dna manipulation or even single mens being able to get a personalized kid legal?

You see, if a government legalize the popularity of private eugenics, the moral walls that unable public policies promoting political eugenics will be destroyed, thus classical eugenics come into play again.

Would that happen? And when? If so, will everybody out there be PSL ideals?
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  • #7
I think Aboriginals and pretty much hispanics + native americans will be pretty rare. White race is gonna be mixed in pretty well except Scandinavian Countries who like to marry in and not out their ethnicity.
Hispanics will be rare? Interesting, considering them to be mixed with whites, blacks and Asians (in south America) i would expect them to be the majority in a not so far away future of USA, for example.
Private eugenics is legal in the case of lesbian couples. And shure, there are sexual selection.

But will private eugenics in the form of dna manipulation or even single mens being able to get a personalized kid legal?

You see, if a government legalize the popularity of private eugenics, the moral walls that unable public policies promoting political eugenics will be destroyed, thus classical eugenics come into play again.

Would that happen? And when? If so, will everybody out there be PSL ideals?
if everyone goes for psl ideals, then diversity is lost. and also dont forget about trends or retarded parents who will get their baby to look stupid
idk what classical eugenics is

and gene manipulation for offspring does exist, CRISPR-Cas 9 for sperm so that they dont inherit a disorder
i think that it is only a good idea to edit genes if there is a very bad disorder to be inherited
otherwise you should be super rich to buy the cosmetic stuff, and i wonder if rich people will abuse that to create atrocities

and also special is not special if everyone looks that way. if everyone is PSL then nobody looks good. thus we should strive towards healthiness and "averageness", and try to maintain diversity
Hispanics will be rare? Interesting, considering them to be mixed with whites, blacks and Asians (in south America) i would expect them to be the majority in a not so far away future of USA, for example.
I mean moreso full on hispanics 2/4 - 1/4. Most of them will be mixed in with blacks and whites especially although yeah Japanese are in brazil. But the hispanic race will probably have to mix in with whites and blacks(Geomaxxers) like dominicans and pure hispanic families might be more for higher class royalty. Especially castizos who will basically be white passing when mixed in with whites or mulatto when mixed black.
People will all be mixed with Asians.

Why? because they are already the majority of the population. Globalization and the fact that Asian women is one of the most attractive out there according to black pill scientific data could indicate that the asian genes around the world increases more than any other even with a clear sexual selection to overall white aesthetic.

But hey, i want to know the opinions of you all.
They have bad hair and darker eyes, which is a huge L for smv. Idk how r they attractive. IMO they are kinda ugly
Private eugenics is legal in the case of lesbian couples. And shure, there are sexual selection.

But will private eugenics in the form of dna manipulation or even single mens being able to get a personalized kid legal?

You see, if a government legalize the popularity of private eugenics, the moral walls that unable public policies promoting political eugenics will be destroyed, thus classical eugenics come into play again.

Would that happen? And when? If so, will everybody out there be PSL ideals?
Pretty sure private eugenics is already legal in most of the world. Not sure about something complex, but you can def choose your future child’s eye color and gender(birth one) in some clinics
I think Aboriginals and pretty much hispanics + native americans will be pretty rare. White race is gonna be mixed in pretty well except Scandinavian Countries who like to marry in and not out their ethnicity.
Aboriginals are already pretty damn rare
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  • #13
if everyone goes for psl ideals, then diversity is lost. and also dont forget about trends or retarded parents who will get their baby to look stupid
idk what classical eugenics is

and gene manipulation for offspring does exist, CRISPR-Cas 9 for sperm so that they dont inherit a disorder
i think that it is only a good idea to edit genes if there is a very bad disorder to be inherited
otherwise you should be super rich to buy the cosmetic stuff, and i wonder if rich people will abuse that to create atrocities

and also special is not special if everyone looks that way. if everyone is PSL then nobody looks good. thus we should strive towards healthiness and "averageness", and try to maintain diversity
Interesting. There were a sci Fi book were surgery was so available that most people did it. So being normal looking became a way to stand out and started to be a symbol of originality and truthness
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  • #14
They have bad hair and darker eyes, which is a huge L for smv. Idk how r they attractive. IMO they are kinda ugly
You didn't got the argument. Sexual selection preferences are not enough to overcompensate the globalization of the highest population on world of Asians genes floating to other countries and the machine of mixing with those populations that Asian women are.
You didn't got the argument. Sexual selection preferences are not enough to overcompensate the globalization of the highest population on world of Asians genes floating to other countries and the machine of mixing with those populations that Asian women are.
Gonna work only if they are able to integrate into white society. Considering the trend of hating migration and kikes(esp among white males) - I think there is a good chance they won't be allowed into the civilised countries
we are slowly becoming different species

not one race
Really? They have that many? I assume they are a small minority in both places however
yes minority but they are not very rare u can see them 1-3 times a week

but they are not pure aboriginal they just have higher aboriginal dna than everyone else
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