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Explain that. Looksmaxing theory don't explain that.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2024
2 of the most high paid super models dated guys bellow their level in looks theory.

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In my day to day life, I see pretty being really important to get shit jobs like waiters and between mediocre woman who have shit personality.
But those super models are dating uglier men, Putin is a shorter men who climbed political hierarchy, and male models are not presidents of countries (apart from macron, stupid french people, and Canada).

Explain that.
it means there's some hope for incels
Screenshot 2024-08-08 214209.jpg
nah jk
humans are wired to be genetically attracted to top tier healthy people
those models may have top tier beauty genes but their brains are messed up from maybe environment and genes
They are too ugly to be super models. Maybe they needed someone to support them and not feel like cheaters, not worthy of what they have. So they choose father figures as boyfriends

Also, BP applies more to online small interactions kind of dating. Matching with girls on tinder and stuff. You can’t get good results there without being good looking, as no one is gonna give you time to show your personality, making it worthless. Irl interactions are less black pilled
it means there's some hope for incels
View attachment 35667
nah jk
humans are wired to be genetically attracted to top tier healthy people
those models may have top tier beauty genes but their brains are messed up from maybe environment and genes
You're wrong. Very wrong.

This mother fucker was one of the dirtiest bastards who ever lived. Never showered, wore peasants' clothes, was ugly as sin, dirt poor, uncouth as it gets and was HATED by not only every man in the early 20th century Russian court, but by the entire nation as well. Hated does not even do him justice. There isn't a word in the English language that can adequately describe how reviled this man actually was. Yet he fucked the shit out of all the upper class ladies at court, as well as their daughters, and possibly the Tsarina herself. They couldn't get enough of him. This is a dude that would lick the spoons of princesses in front of the entire court before serving them their meals, with his unwashed mouth while breadcrumbs were dangling from his filthy beard.
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You're wrong. Very wrong.

View attachment 35673
This mother fucker was one of the dirtiest bastards who ever lived. Never showered, wore peasants' clothes, was ugly as sin, dirt poor, uncouth as it gets and was HATED by not only every man in the early 20th century Russian court, but by the entire nation as well. Hated does not even do him justice. There isn't a word in the English language that can adequately describe how reviled this man actually was. Yet he f****d the shit out of all the upper class ladies at court, as well as their daughters, and possibly the Tsarina herself. They couldn't get enough of him. This is a dude that would lick the spoons of princesses in front of the entire court before serving them their meals, with his unwashed mouth while breadcrumbs were dangling from his filthy beard.
High bone mass Pluss height Pluss dark tried 🤣🤣🤣🤣
You're wrong. Very wrong.

View attachment 35673
This mother fucker was one of the dirtiest bastards who ever lived. Never showered, wore peasants' clothes, was ugly as sin, dirt poor, uncouth as it gets and was HATED by not only every man in the early 20th century Russian court, but by the entire nation as well. Hated does not even do him justice. There isn't a word in the English language that can adequately describe how reviled this man actually was. Yet he f****d the shit out of all the upper class ladies at court, as well as their daughters, and possibly the Tsarina herself. They couldn't get enough of him. This is a dude that would lick the spoons of princesses in front of the entire court before serving them their meals, with his unwashed mouth while breadcrumbs were dangling from his filthy beard.
dark triad mate
You're wrong. Very wrong.

View attachment 35673
This mother fucker was one of the dirtiest bastards who ever lived. Never showered, wore peasants' clothes, was ugly as sin, dirt poor, uncouth as it gets and was HATED by not only every man in the early 20th century Russian court, but by the entire nation as well. Hated does not even do him justice. There isn't a word in the English language that can adequately describe how reviled this man actually was. Yet he f****d the shit out of all the upper class ladies at court, as well as their daughters, and possibly the Tsarina herself. They couldn't get enough of him. This is a dude that would lick the spoons of princesses in front of the entire court before serving them their meals, with his unwashed mouth while breadcrumbs were dangling from his filthy beard.
those are all rumors, most of them came from himself, he would brag about his sexual conquests
in reality he did not do what he said
he was a quack and a conman and popularized by pop culture for his lies
he claimed many other things outside of his sexual conquests like that he had magical powers
those are all rumors, most of them came from himself, he would brag about his sexual conquests
in reality he did not do what he said
he was a quack and a conman and popularized by pop culture for his lies
he claimed many other things outside of his sexual conquests like that he had magical powers
He did have magical powers. Only he had the power to stop the bleeding of the Tsaravich. Instantly brought him back from the brink of death just by talking to him on the phone.
2 of the most high paid super models dated guys bellow their level in looks theory.

View attachment 35664View attachment 35665View attachment 35666

In my day to day life, I see pretty being really important to get shit jobs like waiters and between mediocre woman who have shit personality.
But those super models are dating uglier men, Putin is a shorter men who climbed political hierarchy, and male models are not presidents of countries (apart from macron, stupid french people, and Canada).

Explain that.
the president thing is about people and their way to talk, putin got chosen as president because the way he talked to people made them babushkas vote for him

not everything is looks, if you are a poor chad a rich incel indian bhai still mogs you
Humans are naturally supposed to be attracted to other humans that are attractive via chemicals. They probably have altered chemicals due to diet, environment, etc. Also a lot of women settle down and "marry" that person but she may not truly love them. You literally cannot fight nature.
You're wrong. Very wrong.

View attachment 35673
This mother fucker was one of the dirtiest bastards who ever lived. Never showered, wore peasants' clothes, was ugly as sin, dirt poor, uncouth as it gets and was HATED by not only every man in the early 20th century Russian court, but by the entire nation as well. Hated does not even do him justice. There isn't a word in the English language that can adequately describe how reviled this man actually was. Yet he f****d the shit out of all the upper class ladies at court, as well as their daughters, and possibly the Tsarina herself. They couldn't get enough of him. This is a dude that would lick the spoons of princesses in front of the entire court before serving them their meals, with his unwashed mouth while breadcrumbs were dangling from his filthy beard.
those are rumors only, i heard he also did r**e but same thing, rumors. Russia will always sell you a good story because thats what they need.
those are rumors only, i heard he also did r**e but same thing, rumors. Russia will always sell you a good story because thats what they need.
Why? Why does Russia need a good story? They seem to be doing just fine despite being the most sanctioned country in the world. Aside from McDonald's they still just get anything they want from the West through China.
