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Eye Bags - What's the consensus?

Aug 10, 2024
What is the consensus on the best solutions for eye bags? I've had chronic eye bags for the better part of 10 years from memory and looking back at photos (pictures attached). It's to the point I've regularly been asked if I was punched in the face.

So far I've read;
  • CeraVe Eye Cream
  • Gua Sha
  • Ice Rollers
  • Moisturizer
  • Hirudoid Cream
  • Caffeine
  • Vitamin C
  • Hemorrhoid Creams
  • General Diet / Sleep
I'm keen to see some before and after photos and hear people's feedback on the best products to use. What worked for you? What was a waste of money?


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i have enough soft tissue in my under eye area, but when i get tired it starts to turn dark and kinda collapse inwards
my solution is to sleep

for online, i recommend others eye cream w/ volufline + caffeine, ice, sleep, vitamin C cuz just sleeping is not enough for them
never heard of hemorrhoid creams for eyes, i think those are meant for your ass

also you need time and consistency
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  • #3
i have enough soft tissue in my under eye area, but when i get tired it starts to turn dark and kinda collapse inwards
my solution is to sleep

for online, i recommend others eye cream w/ volufline + caffeine, ice, sleep, vitamin C cuz just sleeping is not enough for them
never heard of hemorrhoid creams for eyes, i think those are meant for your ass

also you need time and consistency

Seems just sleeping has never been enough for me so looking for the best products.

As for hemorrhoid cream pretty funny but I've been seeing it recommended, seems to have gone viral on Instra/TikTok at some stage as well as a treatment for eye bags / puffy eyes / wrinkles etc...
it’s bones, you just have recessed orbitals

no amount of skincare will fix your bones, while you do have dark soft tissue under your eyes the skincare will only do so much.

You need to fix the bones if you want real results that last
Your eyes are hollowed out. The best course of action is to get some sort of retinoid. Go to a dermatologist, and they'll most likely give you Retin-A or Tazorac. These have been proven to thicken your skin and remove hyperpigmentation as long as you moisturize sufficiently (Vaseline over eye area), limit the amount you use to start, and don't get it in your actual eyes; you can probably expect noticeable results fast.

I can speak from personal experience on this one too, I used one of these and didn't really have dark circles until I went off it to go on Accutane. My only issue was extreme dryness which Vaseline fixed.

As for this:
As for hemorrhoid cream pretty funny but I've been seeing it recommended, seems to have gone viral on Instra/TikTok at some stage as well as a treatment for eye bags / puffy eyes / wrinkles etc...
It could work, but it would only work as a temporary measure to conceal it and wouldn't actually fix the root causes of your issue. It can really fry your skin too, worse than Retin-A in some cases. You'd have to use it in the morning.

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  • #6
it’s bones, you just have recessed orbitals

no amount of skincare will fix your bones, while you do have dark soft tissue under your eyes the skincare will only do so much.

You need to fix the bones if you want real results that last
I'll give the skin care route a crack and see how I go, then maybe do some research on surgery options.

Your eyes are hollowed out. The best course of action is to get some sort of retinoid. Go to a dermatologist, and they'll most likely give you Retin-A or Tazorac. These have been proven to thicken your skin and remove hyperpigmentation as long as you moisturize sufficiently (Vaseline over eye area), limit the amount you use to start, and don't get it in your actual eyes; you can probably expect noticeable results fast.

I can speak from personal experience on this one too, I used one of these and didn't really have dark circles until I went off it to go on Accutane. My only issue was extreme dryness which Vaseline fixed.

As for this:

It could work, but it would only work as a temporary measure to conceal it and wouldn't actually fix the root causes of your issue. It can really fry your skin too, worse than Retin-A in some cases. You'd have to use it in the morning.

Cheers for the advice, I'll try a couple of suggestions / remedies then if nothing works I'll hit up a dermatologist. If that doesn't work I'll investigate the surgery routes as suggested above.

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