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Eye lightening ?


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2024
Is it possible to make your eyes appear lighter?

A bit of personal experience. My little brother used to have A17, now it’s A50. So I definitely know that the downgrade is possible

Internet says a lot of stuff(drinking green tea to have green eyes xd), but that’s quite hard to find info that isn’t just “trust me bro”

Heard from more reliable sources that carnivore diet and honey help with that, but still, haven’t seen any studies.

If someone could gather a lot of info on that and make a guide - IMO it would be Best Reads material due to the importance of the eye area
Is it possible to make your eyes appear lighter?

A bit of personal experience. My little brother used to have A17, now it’s A50. So I definitely know that the downgrade is possible

Internet says a lot of stuff(drinking green tea to have green eyes xd), but that’s quite hard to find info that isn’t just “trust me bro”

Heard from more reliable sources that carnivore diet and honey help with that, but still, haven’t seen any studies.

If someone could gather a lot of info on that and make a guide - IMO it would be Best Reads material due to the importance of the eye area
there is a Best of the Best guide on .org about this

but do it at your own risk
it is possible for eyes to darken due to increase of melanin by gene activation later in life or uv rays
meanwhile to lighten it would mean to damage the stroma of your eyes and other injuries
once you have melanin, it takes MANY YEARS to disappear. like you will be in your 40s by the time it starts to lighten
like for hair, you can turn off the melanin production, because your hair is constantly growing. so you can naturally change your hair to blond.
but your eyes stay the same, the melanin production stops and you cannot destroy the melanin

on the internet they will give you cope and lies and damage your eyes. maybe if you damage your eyes enough then your eyes might lighten a little bit. its not worth it and its not safe.
choose contacts instead.
as for surgery, shining a laser in your eyes can successfully destroy the melanin, so you can do that as well
it is possible for eyes to darken due to increase of melanin by gene activation later in life or uv rays
meanwhile to lighten it would mean to damage the stroma of your eyes and other injuries
once you have melanin, it takes MANY YEARS to disappear. like you will be in your 40s by the time it starts to lighten
like for hair, you can turn off the melanin production, because your hair is constantly growing. so you can naturally change your hair to blond.
but your eyes stay the same, the melanin production stops and you cannot destroy the melanin

on the internet they will give you cope and lies and damage your eyes. maybe if you damage your eyes enough then your eyes might lighten a little bit. its not worth it and its not safe.
choose contacts instead.
as for surgery, shining a laser in your eyes can successfully destroy the melanin, so you can do that as well
hair would most likely will become gray rather than blonde
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it is possible for eyes to darken due to increase of melanin by gene activation later in life or uv rays
meanwhile to lighten it would mean to damage the stroma of your eyes and other injuries
once you have melanin, it takes MANY YEARS to disappear. like you will be in your 40s by the time it starts to lighten
like for hair, you can turn off the melanin production, because your hair is constantly growing. so you can naturally change your hair to blond.
but your eyes stay the same, the melanin production stops and you cannot destroy the melanin

on the internet they will give you cope and lies and damage your eyes. maybe if you damage your eyes enough then your eyes might lighten a little bit. its not worth it and its not safe.
choose contacts instead.
as for surgery, shining a laser in your eyes can successfully destroy the melanin, so you can do that as well
Shit, I hoped I could just eat honey and get ultramogger green eyes. Fuck this unjust world
Is it possible to make your eyes appear lighter?

A bit of personal experience. My little brother used to have A17, now it’s A50. So I definitely know that the downgrade is possible

Internet says a lot of stuff(drinking green tea to have green eyes xd), but that’s quite hard to find info that isn’t just “trust me bro”

Heard from more reliable sources that carnivore diet and honey help with that, but still, haven’t seen any studies.

If someone could gather a lot of info on that and make a guide - IMO it would be Best Reads material due to the importance of the eye area
there is no way to do that naturally,

eye color variations while aging are due to genetics or specific diseases,

somehow doing it would mean keeling a rich diet in specific nutrients and avoiding strong UV lights, but obv this doesnt mean going from dark brown to light brown.. very small variations

you can find many ways online but i dont recomment any of them online becuase eye lightening means destroying melenin which is placed in an inner layer of eye, and that is very delicate and doing risky things would translate to permanent blindness

there are many surgeries but they have risks too, and from how much i know the best and least risky one includes making your eye color gray or sm like that
Is it possible to make your eyes appear lighter?

A bit of personal experience. My little brother used to have A17, now it’s A50. So I definitely know that the downgrade is possible

Internet says a lot of stuff(drinking green tea to have green eyes xd), but that’s quite hard to find info that isn’t just “trust me bro”

Heard from more reliable sources that carnivore diet and honey help with that, but still, haven’t seen any studies.

If someone could gather a lot of info on that and make a guide - IMO it would be Best Reads material due to the importance of the eye area
Not worth it. Eye color really doesn't matter unless you have brown skin and it is striking.
Is it possible to make your eyes appear lighter?

A bit of personal experience. My little brother used to have A17, now it’s A50. So I definitely know that the downgrade is possible

Internet says a lot of stuff(drinking green tea to have green eyes xd), but that’s quite hard to find info that isn’t just “trust me bro”

Heard from more reliable sources that carnivore diet and honey help with that, but still, haven’t seen any studies.

If someone could gather a lot of info on that and make a guide - IMO it would be Best Reads material due to the importance of the eye area
read elbastardos guide on .org
Only way is surgery and contacts for most people. If you make a shit ton of money andhave kids with a woman with blue eyes and genetically engineer your kid, your kid can have it naturally. End of the day, to go "against" nature you need money and resources to be able to go "against" your genetics. In 20-30 years from now genetic engineering can be so technologically advanced, height, face, coloring, disease can change for the better, of course recombination will make people deviate back to mean. Most really good looking ppl like Maher,Barrett, opry for example are examples of good recomb as you can compare them to their parents and siblings.
Natural diet and sunlight exposure might??
I think if you are super concerned about it, you should just get contacts or sum

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