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Face fat and Bloat.


Active member
Aug 11, 2024
Things to do to lower bloatness and puffiness and face fat
Avoid sugar. Face fat
Avoid Sodium.bloat
Less carbs.face fat
Lean fat healthy fat foods like ground beef face fatchicken or sum shii.
Drink water. Less bloat
No processed foods.bloat and face fat
Skincare. Face appears less puffy when smoother skin I have acne scars so ik
Sleep on back. Reduce puffiness
Gua Sha. Puffiness
Calorie Deficit. Face fat
Be happy and lower stress.less bloat
I think the amount of salt you ingest can also affect your face idk. I think bloat as I said not sure bout the salt
Alright that's all the solutions I can think of for reducing face fat. Did I miss anything?
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Avoid sugar.
Avoid Sodium.
Less carbs.
Lean fat healthy fat foods like ground beef chicken or sum shii.
Drink water.
No processed foods.
Sleep on back.
Gua Sha.
Calorie Deficit.
Be happy and lower stress.
I think the amount of salt you ingest can also affect your face idk.
Alright that's all the solutions I can think of for reducing face fat. Did I miss anything?
"be happy" lmfao jfl @glamourpursuer
furosemide and ozempic.
Fym bro being happy means low stress. And low stress makes face less bloated
What’s the relation between low stress and bloated face.
Any studies to prove this.
You can link it, maybe I will read it , sounds interesting.
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  • #10
What’s the relation between low stress and bloated face.
Any studies to prove this.
You can link it, maybe I will read it , sounds interesting.
I'm in class rn so I can't and it makes sense man just think. Lowers stress lower blood pressure etc etc ofc ur face is gonna be less bloated. U can literally search this shit up
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  • #15
bro calls that hardmax lmfao @glamourpursuer @Incognito
Idk what else to call it
sleep on side? if you know anything anything you'll know that sleeping on your back drastically decreases sleep quality which leads to fluid retention in (you guessed it) your face dumbah
Yeah ur still stupid. I said sleep on your back meaning you have two pillows behind your head for support because if you sleep straight on your back the fluids will build up more in your face leading ur face to be more puffy. And it does NOT decrease sleep quality if you use pillows for back support legs and arms head. I sleep like a fkn baby. And been doin it for years.
Idk what else to call it

Yeah ur still stupid. I said sleep on your back meaning you have two pillows behind your head for support because if you sleep straight on your back the fluids will build up more in your face leading ur face to be more puffy. And it does NOT decrease sleep quality if you use pillows for back support legs and arms head. I sleep like a fkn baby. And been doin it for years.
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  • #22
homeless ahh sleeping method, literally works for you and one other person on the planet. you could just sleep sitting up and you'll have zero puffiness
Nah it's not ur jus uneducated about this and have never tried the real sleeping method. Even ppl who work with like ppls spine or whatever bones even they say pillows r good. Two pillows behind head one under legs. Two pillows for arms. Baam
Nah it's not ur jus uneducated about this and have never tried the real sleeping method. Even ppl who work with like ppls spine or whatever bones even they say pillows r good. Two pillows behind head one under legs. Two pillows for arms. Baam
I used to have a similar sleeping position because of the fact that it was supposed to make my face less puffy. I had shit sleep quality during this period leading to even more water retention
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  • #25
I used to have a similar sleeping position because of the fact that it was supposed to make my face less puffy. I had shit sleep quality during this period leading to even more water retention
You weren't doing it correctly then because how come for me it's comfortable and I can fall asleep rly fast like that?
You weren't doing it correctly then because how come for me it's comfortable and I can fall asleep rly fast like that?
Keyword: I
how come I can smoke meth everyday and be perfectly fine? that means it automatically works for others right?
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  • #27
LMFAO ain't no way u tried using that as an example. Bro meth will affect you in a bad way no matter what. Sleeping this way doesn't 😭🙏🙏🙏🙏
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  • #30
R u retarded or what. Yes you ARE just because you say u feel fine doesn't mean it doesn't damage u inside ur body and brain. I mean come on.
R u retarded or what. Yes you ARE just because you say u feel fine doesn't mean it doesn't damage u inside ur body and brain. I mean come on.
Nope it didn't at all, so it must be the same for everyone no?
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  • #32
Are you retarded or what I mean u gotta be jk. Do u even know what meth is what it does. Just because u say meth doesn't affect u doesn't mean its not affecting u. Brocolli head ah think a lil
Are you retarded or what I mean u gotta be jk. Do u even know what meth is what it does. Just because u say meth doesn't affect u doesn't mean it’s not affecting u. Brocolli head ah think a lil
The issue is you think that because something works for you it must automatically work for everyone else. You literally said that becuase it doesn’t work for me I must be doing it wrong, well maybe your smoking meth wrong?
Face fat and bloat can result from factors like water retention, poor diet, or lack of exercise. Staying hydrated, reducing salt intake, and regular facial exercises can help reduce puffiness. Incorporating a proper skincare routine, along with a balanced lifestyle, can further enhance facial contours and reduce bloating.
kinda sad ngl
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  • #37
The issue is you think that because something works for you it must automatically work for everyone else. You literally said that becuase it doesn’t work for me I must be doing it wrong, well maybe your smoking meth wrong?
Bro it's because this is about SLEEPING not fuckin DRUGS LMFAO😭🙏🙏🙏 If sleeping done correctly with the pillows. It will work for absolutely everyone as long as u don't got fkn scholiosios or something bro. So u still don't make sense. The issue here is that u shove to much crystal up ur bum which makes u not understand
Bro it's because this is about SLEEPING not fuckin DRUGS LMFAO😭🙏🙏🙏 If sleeping done correctly with the pillows. It will work for absolutely everyone as long as u don't got fkn scholiosios or something bro. So u still don't make sense. The issue here is that u shove to much crystal up ur bum which makes u not understand
You’re missing the point though, reguardless of if it’s drugs or not it’s the same principle. I tried it and it was extremely uncomfortable and I would find it hard to go into the deeper parts of my sleep. For me personally and no sleeping positions don’t work for everyone, some people swear by sleeping on their stomachs and others of their sides there’s a thing called preference
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  • #40
You’re missing the point though, reguardless of if it’s drugs or not it’s the same principle. I tried it and it was extremely uncomfortable and I would find it hard to go into the deeper parts of my sleep. For me personally and no sleeping positions don’t work for everyone, some people swear by sleeping on their stomachs and others of their sides there’s a thing called preference
If u did it the way I did it Im 99% sure u would NOT complain. And yeah some prefer on stomach but that's bad the way I do it on the back is safe everything is alligned with the spine it's comfortable so that's why I do it.
Avoid sugar.
Sugar is fine in Androgenicogre eats a fucking pound of it a day
Avoid Sodium.
Natural sodium is fine
Less carbs.
Lean fat healthy fat foods like ground
No, animal fat is necessary for human function
beef chicken or sum shii.
These are good foods
Drink water.
You don’t need to drink water but sure
No processed foods.
Doubt you mean all processed foods but ok
Sleep on back.
Calorie Deficit.
That’s called just being lean
Be happy and lower stress.
I think the amount of salt you ingest can also affect your face idk.
Alright that's all the solutions I can think of for reducing face fat. Did I miss anything?
5/10 tbh
Avoid sugar.
Avoid Sodium.
Less carbs.
Lean fat healthy fat foods like ground beef chicken or sum shii.
Drink water.
No processed foods.
Sleep on back.
Gua Sha.
Calorie Deficit.
Be happy and lower stress.
I think the amount of salt you ingest can also affect your face idk.
Alright that's all the solutions I can think of for reducing face fat. Did I miss anything?
i don't think guasha legit anymore
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  • #45
i don't think guasha legit anymore
It is, I use it every morning. Gua Sha won't reduce face fat but will most definitely get rid of the puffiness from your face in the morning. You gotta do it gently though so you don't irritate the skin. Gua Sha gets the blood flow active in the face.
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  • #49
I know that ice can really help the puffiness for eyes and face but I don't remember if it was safe to use it for a long period of time. I heard once it can do damage to ur face but idk if that's true. I do have an ice roller tho but I prefer gua Sha.

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