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Face Fat


Active member
Aug 11, 2024
So I have a defined jaw line I've gotten ratings on this website I'm a mtn and I agree since Im not even close to my potential because I'm young. Since I have a decent jaw line and not so round face normal people who aren't into working out or looksmaxxin wouldn't even notice it. If you look at me from a distance it doesn't look like I got face fat. Anyways. I'm trying to get as little fat as possible on my face because for it bothers me very much. I could look so much better with no face fat. So ive gone a week now with 0 sugar. My diet consists of only meat eggs tuna salmon and kimcsi. Organic foods no processed stuff so I'd say it's good. And also about 2.5-3 liters of water per day since I'm on creatine. Normally I'd drink 2 liters. I know gua sha doesn't help with getting rid of face fat but I do use it everyday to get rid of the bloat in the morning. I also sleep on my back. I'm on a cut. Is there any more ways to get a defined low fat face? Am I missing out something important? If so give me sum advice on how to make this journey go even faster and better.
creatine bloats face so once you finish cutting i would debloat
lemon bottle fat dissolving, 4;1 potassium to salt ratio, skincare, lower inflammation, lose body fat overall.
So I have a defined jaw line I've gotten ratings on this website I'm a mtn and I agree since Im not even close to my potential because I'm young. Since I have a decent jaw line and not so round face normal people who aren't into working out or looksmaxxin wouldn't even notice it. If you look at me from a distance it doesn't look like I got face fat. Anyways. I'm trying to get as little fat as possible on my face because for it bothers me very much. I could look so much better with no face fat. So ive gone a week now with 0 sugar. My diet consists of only meat eggs tuna salmon and kimcsi. Organic foods no processed stuff so I'd say it's good. And also about 2.5-3 liters of water per day since I'm on creatine. Normally I'd drink 2 liters. I know gua sha doesn't help with getting rid of face fat but I do use it everyday to get rid of the bloat in the morning. I also sleep on my back. I'm on a cut. Is there any more ways to get a defined low fat face? Am I missing out something important? If so give me sum advice on how to make this journey go even faster and better.
Creatine bloats due to increased water retention.
Also could be hypertrophy of buccinators, chew slower and harder, learn how to swallow food correctly.

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