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Face sliming?


New member
Jan 10, 2024
I've been watching on internet and i don't know if to trust those videos that say "get slim face" what y'all thimk? or just mewing, gua sha and cut
and megadose potassium pills you’ll be set
😂 😂 😂 Bro are you trynna kill the guy?? never overdose potassium too much potassium in your blood can damage your heart, make you feel palpitations and even cause a heart attack. Another day another shitty advice from @quepasta
lol the page where i read said 2300 mg per day
100 mg as a supplement you need an average of 2300 a day to function correctly. but you can use 500 mg of potassium citrate from time to time.

Also, An average teenager consumes more than 2300+ potassium daily to put it into perspective an average-sized banana has around 400 mg of potassium. So you still unknowingly get potassium from the foods you eat daily so using potassium as a supplement is pretty much useless only old people use it as they have a harder time eating enough nutritious foods to get a full day's worth of potassium.

Potassium pills make it easier to consume higher doses of potassium that's their only use, But as a youngin, you should not take it, obviously OVER dosage is dangerous and you'll land yourself in a hospital but they also can be a risk of potassium toxicity when taking these supplements. Conclusion: just eat 2 bananas a day to get a good amount of potassium.
I've been watching on internet and i don't know if to trust those videos that say "get slim face" what y'all thimk? or just mewing, gua sha and cut
dont take too much potassium or else you’ll die 💀 just eat 1-2 bananas and some coconut water
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