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Facial Asymmetry- How to fix?

Don’t worry unless extreme assymetrical trust me
You can try sleeping on back/opposite side though
Or getting surgery on the assymetrical area
No they say it's very symmetrical but that is also people I know. I am sociable and not a dick, so they tend to ass kiss occasionally. Maybe its me because I look all the time, but idk.
It’s just you brah, most people don’t notice asymmetries unless they are extreme
You can try sleeping on back/opposite side though
do NOT sleep on your back, there is minimal science to prove that sleeping on x side will affect the symmetry of ones face. However there is science showing that sleeping on your back decreases sleep quality
do NOT sleep on your back, there is minimal science to prove that sleeping on x side will affect the symmetry of ones face. However there is science showing that sleeping on your back decreases sleep quality
But but but 😟😟 Dillon Latham said sleeping on back=symmetry. He know everythin right? 😧
do NOT sleep on your back, there is minimal science to prove that sleeping on x side will affect the symmetry of ones face. However there is science showing that sleeping on your back decreases sleep quality
Worth a shot brah
It worked for some of those TikTok fags
But but but 😟😟 Dillon Latham said sleeping on back=symmetry. He know everythin right? 😧
He wanted a natural method, that can work but won’t. Regardless, his assymetry isn’t noticeable
good posture
if its extreme consider surgery, tho unlikely
most people do not need to change that

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