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Fastest ways to debloat?

Started on tuesday, no improvement yet.
mew and banana (DANGEROUS)
I want to know what celebs use aside surgery
dont eat food with high sodium, such as fast or high processed food,wash ur face with cold water, drink at least 2l of water everyday and eat foods with a lot of potassium, like bananas and coconut water
dont eat food with high sodium, such as fast or high processed food,wash ur face with cold water, drink at least 2l of water everyday and eat foods with a lot of potassium, like bananas and coconut water
I did all aside processed sugars. Coconut water isn t necesaary, is it?
Debloating methods best to worst:
👑 losing bodyfat%
⭐⭐⭐⭐️ 4:1 potassium ratio
⭐⭐⭐⭐️ potassium supplements
⭐⭐⭐⭐️ coconut water
⭐⭐⭐️ food high in potassium (banana, potato)
⭐⭐⭐️ cardio
⭐⭐️ sauna
⭐️ gua sha
⭐️ furosemide (Fs up your electrolyte balance)

You will never be bloated at low bf%
Rira ate a candy and drugs diet 24/7 + u think the guy cared abt properly hydrating himself? He was just at a low bodyfat with proper bonestructure.
Debloating methods best to worst:
👑 losing bodyfat%
⭐⭐⭐⭐️ 4:1 potassium ratio
⭐⭐⭐⭐️ potassium supplements
⭐⭐⭐⭐️ coconut water
⭐⭐⭐️ food high in potassium (banana, potato)
⭐⭐⭐️ cardio
⭐⭐️ sauna
⭐️ gua sha
⭐️ furosemide (Fs up your electrolyte balance)

You will never be bloated at low bf%
Rira ate a candy and drugs diet 24/7 + u think the guy cared abt properly hydrating himself? He was just at a low bodyfat with proper bonestructure.
My issue is that idk how to measure that ratio
My issue is that idk how to measure that ratio
Jus eyeball it ngl. What I do is jus cut out sodium(dont add salt to anything and avoid any premade food high in sodium) plus eat 2 - 4 bananas a day and jus drink a glass of water when u first wake up and continue drinking as much water as u can throughout the day. If you ever feel thirsty at all throughout the day that means u aren’t drinking enough
Jus eyeball it ngl. What I do is jus cut out sodium(dont add salt to anything and avoid any premade food high in sodium) plus eat 2 - 4 bananas a day and jus drink a glass of water when u first wake up and continue drinking as much water as u can throughout the day. If you ever feel thirsty at all throughout the day that means u aren’t drinking enough
The issue is my family. They don t allow me to cook my own food...she even cooks my food for dorminatory although I told her to not
Jus eyeball it ngl. What I do is jus cut out sodium(dont add salt to anything and avoid any premade food high in sodium) plus eat 2 - 4 bananas a day and jus drink a glass of water when u first wake up and continue drinking as much water as u can throughout the day. If you ever feel thirsty at all throughout the day that means u aren’t drinking enough
Her food isn t very salty but she still uses some. I tried to tell her to let me cook my own food but they think I am crazy.
Her food isn t very salty but she still uses some. I tried to tell her to let me cook my own food but they think I am crazy.
Its not that big of a deal then. Jus cop a big water bottle and try n finish and refill it in the morning, noon and evening