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First 3 days of school

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  • #51
You in highschool? Want to make waves and be somebody? Go up to the #1 jock at lunch time. Star Quarterback of the varsity football team or whatever. Wipe cream cheese on his face and ask him for a blowjob. Now you might get your ass kicked then and there but it doesn't matter, you'll be a somebody and have a following if you come back from it with a grin on your face.

Never jestermax. Be somebod real.
Yes i’m in HS and is the first part satire or not? I can’t tell.
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  • #53
Nah, I'm dead serious.
That won’t work at all. Let’s just be honest with ourselves, it’s because i’m a LTN. It’s a simple as if I was a HTN, getting IOIs and making friends would be mad easy. It’s just the way the world works.
That won’t work at all. Let’s just be honest with ourselves, it’s because i’m a LTN. It’s a simple as if I was a HTN, getting IOIs and making friends would be mad easy. It’s just the way the world works.
The world has it's rules. You can always break them though. Don't let this world tell you what your place is going to be because of how you look. Everyone admires the bold. Boldness can transcend the limitations of looks. Of course though, you're gonna have to get comfortable with having enemies that will try to test you if that's the route you take.
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  • #57
Roidmax and gain hella respect from the boys. Then find yourself a gym girl who's into buff guys
I’m trying to find how to get money and open a credit card or something to buy steroids.
I’m trying to find how to get money and open a credit card or something to buy steroids.
I wouldn't recommend going into debt. Try finding something that will pay you. When I was 16 I officiated soccer games at my local rec league for a little extra cash
the average high school boy is ltn. ur also 6’3 which puts u above them so theres no reason to cry about anything. complain about looks when ur mid 20s not when ur in fucking HS where foids shag anything with a pulse
