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Experience Fish Oil (For DHA) COPE OR NOT ?? - 30 DAY Experiment

Ethan Asia

Chintuck22 on org
May 21, 2020
I started consuming fish oil to see whether it will improve my cognitive abilities, mood score, well being and quality of life. Just wanted to see if it's gonna make me feel a certain way, hopefully change something.

In fish oil, there's active ingredient DHA, docosahexaenoic acid which is said to improve brain process, and i just wanted to see if it's true. 90% of the brain is made up of DHA. I'm consuming fish oil mainly for cognition, but if it has subsequent effects on libido or looks, then yeah sure. I'd still call that a W.

I'd eat well over 10 grams of fish oil, which had just about 2g of DHA (Omega-3) daily recommendations are 1.6g and average person eats like 400mg at best.

I ate fish oil for 30 day straight and tracked my progress


*It is estimated that 90% of omega-3 PUFAs in the brain are DHA (

*The brain retains its DHA content as indicated by a long DHA half-life of ~2.5 years in human brain(

*Children should supplement larger dosages of DHA (over 1.5g)(

*A prospective study in >9000 15 year old Swedish school children showed significantly higher school grades at age 16 in adolescents consuming fish more than once a week compared to less than once a week(

*At age 18, male adolescents who consumed fish more than once per week compared to less than once per week at age 15 had higher IQ scores which was obtained from completed intelligence tests as part of the mandatory Swedish military service conscription examination(
De Groot et al. [40] recently showed in 700 Dutch adolescents, 12–18 years, that consumption of fish providing the recommended amount of EPA + DHA of ~0.45 g/day compared to no fish intake was associated with more advanced vocabulary and higher end term grades. However, eating more fish than the recommended amount was no more beneficial




YES !! It didn't improved my mental performance AT ALL, in fact, i've felt depressed, alcohol brought me more mental clarity than fish oil, it was that bad. I'm ngl my libido did improved drastically, but it's better to eat raw eggs for 1$ than drinking fish oil which is expensive. I smelled horrible because of fish. I was farting fish like crazy, had to wash my stuff twice to get rid of fishy smell holy shit... 🤮

- I suspect that fish oil may only work for young children, against ADHD. Still not sure by how significant? I'd say ketogenic diet may beat fish oil consumption in neurogenesis, mood, and well-being. Used to read about people giving fish oil to their children, and children being able to learn easier and faster.

- I may have had excess mercury in my fish oil. Mercury is a toxin and it is said that "fishy smell and taste" is not supposed to be felt otherwise it is a sign of mercury in my fish. Ngl, it had bad smell to it, not fishy but almost like rotten smell

- Maybe my fish oil was rancid. If that was the case, i'd be well off eating caviar (I did, separate thread coming soon). Since fatty acids are prone to oxidation in packaging during heat, and expiration, it is best to NOT EVER BUY FISH OIL AS A SUPPLEMENT !!! Instead eat raw eggs, brain, cod liver oil or pay 50-100$ for caviar and you'll get the same fatty acid content

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