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foids sigh (retarted schizobabble)


billions must mog
Sep 1, 2024
i hate how foids lie, when i was overweight foids would tell me “no ur not fat” “no ur perfect” shut up. I feel like foids do that beause they are jealous, because they want to sabatoge you. I love having female friends but jealousy is a real issue, we all hate eachother because we’re all jealous and in competition. I cant have male friends either because i end up falling for them (feelings obviously never reciprocated) foids will also hate you for no reason, and be very cruel. I also constantly get cucked by stacy’s. Its hard seeing your friend actively get lucky with the guy you like👍🏾
also having guy friends is like one the best things you can do, they are super honest. having guy friends has definitely humbled me, but you do have to get past the fact one of you might like the other😭
i used to like some guy friends but now we are just friends and only friends
they are very helpful and are harsh when you need harshness
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  • #7
also having guy friends is like one the best things you can do, they are super honest. having guy friends has definitely humbled me, but you do have to get past the fact one of you might like the other😭
i used to like some guy friends but now we are just friends and only friends
they are very helpful and are harsh when you need harshness
yes def true i enjoy having guy friends, im always scared to say it though bc i dont want to be called a pick me..
Idk if it's jealousy or we constantly feel the need to be damn i could know a bitch 5+ years yet struggle to tell her she's gaining weight cause i don't want her to take it the wrong way.. you're constantly walking on egg cells.Looks are a sensitive topic to women..i had a friend comfortably shit talk about a mutual , calling her selfish and shit..but when it come to rating her " oh she's an 8/10" ..what?? she's not even here why do you feel the need to lie??
Idk if it's jealousy or we constantly feel the need to be damn i could know a bitch 5+ years yet struggle to tell her she's gaining weight cause i don't want her to take it the wrong way.. you're constantly walking on egg cells.Looks are a sensitive topic to women..i had a friend comfortably shit talk about a mutual , calling her selfish and shit..but when it come to rating her " oh she's an 8/10" ..what?? she's not even here why do you feel the need to lie??
i feel so bad telling anyone anything they don’t wanna hear. i have an obese friend and i try to hint that i can help her out, my sister as well is gaining and im trying so hard to hint that i can help them. they just don’t want to, it sucks but you can’t help someone who doesn’t wanna help themselves. i remember my obese friend said “i like my thighs i just wanna lose weight in my stomach” i was genuinely struggling so hard not to say anything.😭
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  • #11
Idk if it's jealousy or we constantly feel the need to be damn i could know a bitch 5+ years yet struggle to tell her she's gaining weight cause i don't want her to take it the wrong way.. you're constantly walking on egg cells.Looks are a sensitive topic to women..i had a friend comfortably shit talk about a mutual , calling her selfish and shit..but when it come to rating her " oh she's an 8/10" ..what?? she's not even here why do you feel the need to lie??
ikkk its so annoying, i thinks its because girls are so sensitive and will drop you over the littlest thing🙃🙃girls will drop their best friend of 10 years because she told her her hair looked greasy but wont break up with their 3 week bf after he cheated on her five times😭🙏ridonkulous
ikkk its so annoying, i thinks its because girls are so sensitive and will drop you over the littlest thing🙃🙃girls will drop their best friend of 10 years because she told her her hair looked greasy but wont break up with their 3 week bf after he cheated on her five times😭🙏ridonkulous
ts pisses me off bro
i’m so fucking tired of women letting their men or the guys they like get away with being horrible. my best friend had a guy she liked very much and he was talking to a whole other girl meanwhile they were talking. and guess what
she would literally cry to me and come back to me to tell me and i would comfort her but now im just fucking harsh because it’s literally on her.
another thing is i hate how easily girls give sex to guys like literally have some fucking self control and discipline, i have no pity for sluts and whores. THEY MAKE THE CHOICEEE TOOO. yet they complain “im only used for my body blah blah” “i cant find a guy who wants me for anything other than my body” MEANWHILE THEY ARE LITERALLY FUCKING AFTER THE FIRST DATE. what the hell do you expect?? like damn
ikkk its so annoying, i thinks its because girls are so sensitive and will drop you over the littlest thing🙃🙃girls will drop their best friend of 10 years because she told her her hair looked greasy but wont break up with their 3 week bf after he cheated on her five times😭🙏ridonkulous
See thats the thing idk if it's sensitivity or we're all made to feel like all women are passive aggressive with you 24/7 365...but the bf thing holy shit..
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  • #14
ts pisses me off bro
i’m so fucking tired of women letting their men or the guys they like get away with being horrible. my best friend had a guy she liked very much and he was talking to a whole other girl meanwhile they were talking. and guess what
she would literally cry to me and come back to me to tell me and i would comfort her but now im just fucking harsh because it’s literally on her.
another thing is i hate how easily girls give sex to guys like literally have some fucking self control and discipline, i have no pity for sluts and whores. THEY MAKE THE CHOICEEE TOOO. yet they complain “im only used for my body blah blah” “i cant find a guy who wants me for anything other than my body” MEANWHILE THEY ARE LITERALLY FUCKING AFTER THE FIRST DATE. what the hell do you expect?? like damn
BRUH EXACTLY like my freinds will contantly tell me ab “omg theres this creepy guy on insta who wont leave me alone😓😓” THEN FUCKING BLOCK HIM like tf??? they just love the attention bruh its so odd🙃 also this generation has such a peoblem with general why tf are u a freshman and u have 7 bodies…dirty have some self respect
BRUH EXACTLY like my freinds will contantly tell me ab “omg theres this creepy guy on insta who wont leave me alone😓😓” THEN FUCKING BLOCK HIM like tf??? they just love the attention bruh its so odd🙃 also this generation has such a peoblem with general why tf are u a freshman and u have 7 bodies…dirty have some self respect
deadass dude☠️☠️☠️
why the fuck are you letting men use u like that bro, those type of girls will never find a proper guy because proper guys don’t ask to fuck after the first couple dates☠️
BRUH EXACTLY like my freinds will contantly tell me ab “omg theres this creepy guy on insta who wont leave me alone😓😓” THEN FUCKING BLOCK HIM like tf??? they just love the attention bruh its so odd🙃 also this generation has such a peoblem with general why tf are u a freshman and u have 7 bodies…dirty have some self respect
Had a friend complain to me that a guy friend told her that " he could never imagine someone seeing her platonically" might you I already had said to her multiple times that he probably has a fat crush on her and all she would respond is "he's desperate he would hit on any girl" as if that makes it better .. I'm sorry man or woman i don't want someone this sloopy in my friend group...And things did got messy cause she hook him up with another friend of hers ,they lowkey had chemistry but he would still hit on my friend "jokingly" in front of the other girl.
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  • #18
Had a friend complain to me that a guy friend told her that " he could never imagine someone seeing her platonically" might you I already had said to her multiple times that he probably has a fat crush on her and all she would respond is "he's desperate he would hit on any girl" as if that makes it better .. I'm sorry man or woman i don't want someone this sloopy in my friend group...And things did got messy cause she hook him up with another friend of hers ,they lowkey had chemistry but he would still hit on my friend "jokingly" in front of the other girl.
Had a friend complain to me that a guy friend told her that " he could never imagine someone seeing her platonically" might you I already had said to her multiple times that he probably has a fat crush on her and all she would respond is "he's desperate he would hit on any girl" as if that makes it better .. I'm sorry man or woman i don't want someone this sloopy in my friend group...And things did got messy cause she hook him up with another friend of hers ,they lowkey had chemistry but he would still hit on my friend "jokingly" in front of the other girl.
people are so fucking weird
Pick me ahh thread
women are taught two things stronger than men since they are very young
-toxic positivity
-body problems
That's the reason why all happens. If you suffered from thinking you are ugly since 10 obviously you don't want to cause that trauma to others friends + you think it's okay cause toxic positivity was taught to you.
Men don't have those worries until late teens and meanwhile they already used to be insulted and differ it from an advice
Pick me ahh thread
women are taught two things stronger than men since they are very young
-toxic positivity
-body problems
That's the reason why all happens. If you suffered from thinking you are ugly since 10 obviously you don't want to cause that trauma to others friends + you think it's okay cause toxic positivity was taught to you.
Men don't have those worries until late teens and meanwhile they already used to be insulted and differ it from an advice
only thing pick me about this post is that she referred to herself as a foid and other women, i’d never refer to myself that way just for the men on this forum😂
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  • #23
Pick me ahh thread
women are taught two things stronger than men since they are very young
-toxic positivity
-body problems
That's the reason why all happens. If you suffered from thinking you are ugly since 10 obviously you don't want to cause that trauma to others friends + you think it's okay cause toxic positivity was taught to you.
Men don't have those worries until late teens and meanwhile they already used to be insulted and differ it from an advice
im not a pick me i dont hate other women i just hate foids that do this

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