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Serious Foods for debloat and fat loss


New member
Aug 9, 2024
Just joined the forum what diet should I follow for fat loss and face debloating

If anyone’s got a meal plan would appreciate it :D
Not to attack, but is there any reasoning behind high protein? Does it help in any way with fat loss?
Then leaner you get the more protein you want to intake
Calorie deficit is all that matters for fat loss
Not to attack, but is there any reasoning behind high protein? Does it help in any way with fat loss?
yes it helps bc protein is the most satiating macronutrient along with fat. it helps keep you feel and it also helps you maintain any muscle you’ve got. it gives you a leaner look overtime. also, protein burns more calories to digest.
yes it helps bc protein is the most satiating macronutrient along with fat. it helps keep you feel and it also helps you maintain any muscle you’ve got. it gives you a leaner look overtime. also, protein burns more calories to digest.
FULL* not feel omg
Just joined the forum what diet should I follow for fat loss and face debloating

If anyone’s got a meal plan would appreciate it :D
dont eat carbs like bread and pasta and shit
cut down on salt and sugar
drink a bunch of water and eat fruit
A more natural diet should do you well
dont eat carbs like bread and pasta and shit
cut down on salt and sugar
drink a bunch of water and eat fruit
Why abunch of water? That will cause water bloating, he should drink in moderation
Why abunch of water? That will cause water bloating, he should drink in moderation
It sounds counterintuitive but actually the more water you drink the less water your body holds to bloat you. Your body gets scared when it doesn't have enough water so it begins excessively holding the water it does have. Also drinking water flushes out sodium
It sounds counterintuitive but actually the more water you drink the less water your body holds to bloat you. Your body gets scared when it doesn't have enough water so it begins excessively holding the water it does have. Also drinking water flushes out sodium
that sounds plausible, but you shouldnt drink more water than your body needs
that sounds plausible, but you shouldnt drink more water than your body needs
It's not just plausible, it's true. The more water you drink the less water retention your body experiences. But yes you don't want to be excessive because it's possible to die from drowning your organs with too much water
