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for everyone who hates on brown eyes you haven’t X fr

you get boner of yourself?
I find myself not in the search for answers, but in the endless wandering of questions. Perhaps it is not a bird I seek, but the freedom to exist within my own cage. We are all captives, after all—captives of our desires, our thoughts, and the weight of our own becoming. To live is not to find freedom but to learn to bear the constraints we are born into, gracefully.
did it saar
Though I cannot fully express it, know that in this fleeting exchange, something has shifted—a small but significant gesture that echoes deeper than words themselves. Thank. You.
I find myself not in the search for answers, but in the endless wandering of questions. Perhaps it is not a bird I seek, but the freedom to exist within my own cage. We are all captives, after all—captives of our desires, our thoughts, and the weight of our own becoming. To live is not to find freedom but to learn to bear the constraints we are born into, gracefully.

Though I cannot fully express it, know that in this fleeting exchange, something has shifted—a small but significant gesture that echoes deeper than words themselves. Thank. You.
You have an incredulous way of words, it is a treat to read.
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