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Former fat people, were you treated differently after losing weight?

obviously its true or people wouldnt do it lol, in my personal life fat ppl get made fun of 24/7 even by friends but i live in uk so it may be different culture, but its such a decension to be fat. look up jordan barrett bloated he looks normie
obviously its true or people wouldnt do it lol, in my personal life fat ppl get made fun of 24/7 even by friends but i live in uk so it may be different culture, but its such a decension to be fat. look up jordan barrett bloated he looks normie
Naw, Its the same in Europe. Im treated like shit because of my weight. Lost my first 1.5kg last week and I plan to drop 17 more
Im 15. My poor choices led me to being 88.2kg and Im 29% body fat. 💀💀💀
I hate myself because I made myself this way….
Im entering high school in September, so I wanna drop the most I can and get to those 10-12%.
yeah its optimal for you to drop down to fix ur pituitary gland secretion but idk about 10-12 it could limit ur growth if u get too lean, look up tristyn lee for example he stayed sub 10 percent body fat thru puberty and hes lik 5 feet tall
yeah its optimal for you to drop down to fix ur pituitary gland secretion but idk about 10-12 it could limit ur growth if u get too lean, look up tristyn lee for example he stayed sub 10 percent body fat thru puberty and hes lik 5 feet tall
I think 15% body fat is enough for me. 10-12% would be optimal tho. (I should have above average bones under my fat). I dont want to stay small, so I need to lean down because the estrogen closes growth palates faster.
also hernan drago was a bullied for being a bit overweight during childhood and hes true adam so it could be optimal for slightly high bf obviously 29 is way too high tho so just focus on dropping for now, u will likely debloat in the process as well
Having gone from a bmi of 23 to 15 I can definitely say that there is a noticeable shift in how others perceive and interact with you. I’ve received way more attention and compliments from strangers/ family/ friends and everyone is generally way nicer

But I think losing the weight is more rewarding because you end up feeling better about yourself, way more comfortable and confident
Having gone from a bmi of 23 to 15 I can definitely say that there is a noticeable shift in how others perceive and interact with you. I’ve received way more attention and compliments from strangers/ family/ friends and everyone is generally way nicer

But I think losing the weight is more rewarding because you end up feeling better about yourself, way more comfortable and confident
Yes, absolutely. I feel more energized and I can move my body more freely. Cant wait to get lean, so I can start calisthenics without equipment 🙏