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Method Full "Bones" Workout: Full Body w/o Frame


more loans more bones
Jun 21, 2024

Dynamic Torsion​

Goal: Apply rotational forces to bones to induce microstrain and stimulate bone growth.

Exercise: Rotational Torso Twists

  1. Warm-Up: 5 mins stretching
  2. Sets: 3 sets
  3. Reps: 40-50 reps per side
  4. Rest: 3 minute between sets
  5. Frequency: 3-4 times per week

  • I use an inversion table with 1/4 lb per bw lb
  • Make sure this is a safe procedure and you dont fuck with your spine seriously and that this is done methodically.


Goal: Apply lateral loads to joints to stimulate growth.

Exercise: LSJL Loading

  1. Warm-Up: 5-10 minutes of light stretching/walking.
  2. Sets: 1-2
  3. Duration: 25-40 minutes per joint
  4. Rest: 1 minute between sets
  5. Frequency: 3-4 times per week

  • Use a clamp.
  • Apply lateral pressure to the epiphyseal regions (ends) of long bones (e.g., tibia, femur).
  • Ensure the pressure is firm but not to a really painful extent .
  • Alternate between different joints each session.


Goal: Stimulate the growth plates to promote bone elongation.

Exercise: Epiphyseal Tapping
  1. Duration: 1 1/2 hrs throughout the day
  2. Frequency: 3-4 times per week

  • Use a small mallet or tapping device.
  • Gently tap around the growth plate area of the long bones.
  • Avoid excessive force to prevent injury.
  • Focus on different bones each session.

Inducing Microstrain​

Goal: Apply mechanical strain(Dynamic Torsion) to bones to stimulate remodeling and small increments in longitudinal growth.

Exercise #1: Inversion Table Leg Torsion( Not Via Spine)

Duration: 20-30 mins
Frequency: Do only Once a day I Just use gravitational force, but if your bones are denser and stronger, apply weight.

Exercise #2: Standing LEG curl

Duration: TILL FAILURE ( Preferable weight just trying to tear through the muscle first so lower reps higher weight.
Frequency: 3-4 Times/weeek

Exercise #3: Squats w/differing weights on each side and Pronated + supinated squat structures to induce more dynamic torsion
Basically we want one foot to be inwards and one outwards( be comfortable and safe) dont fuck up ur tendons or ligaments.
See how the forces exert on the planes, using weights we create dynamic forces when both are different.

Exercise #4: Dumbell Twists( Arms Focused)

Reps: 50-65
Sets: 2-3
Frequency: 3-4 Times/weeek


>50hz Is sufficient for bones.

Expect .7-2.2 inches of Lower leg Growth over a decade of these methods. Even more for arm length.

LMK any questions.

Dynamic Torsion​

Goal: Apply rotational forces to bones to induce microstrain and stimulate bone growth.

Exercise: Rotational Torso Twists

  1. Warm-Up: 5 mins stretching
  2. Sets: 3 sets
  3. Reps: 40-50 reps per side
  4. Rest: 3 minute between sets
  5. Frequency: 3-4 times per week

  • I use an inversion table with 1/4 lb per bw lb
  • Make sure this is a safe procedure and you dont f**k with your spine seriously and that this is done methodically.


Goal: Apply lateral loads to joints to stimulate growth.

Exercise: LSJL Loading

  1. Warm-Up: 5-10 minutes of light stretching/walking.
  2. Sets: 1-2
  3. Duration: 25-40 minutes per joint
  4. Rest: 1 minute between sets
  5. Frequency: 3-4 times per week

  • Use a clamp.
  • Apply lateral pressure to the epiphyseal regions (ends) of long bones (e.g., tibia, femur).
  • Ensure the pressure is firm but not to a really painful extent .
  • Alternate between different joints each session.


Goal: Stimulate the growth plates to promote bone elongation.

Exercise: Epiphyseal Tapping
  1. Duration: 1 1/2 hrs throughout the day
  2. Frequency: 3-4 times per week

  • Use a small mallet or tapping device.
  • Gently tap around the growth plate area of the long bones.
  • Avoid excessive force to prevent injury.
  • Focus on different bones each session.

Inducing Microstrain​

Goal: Apply mechanical strain(Dynamic Torsion) to bones to stimulate remodeling and small increments in longitudinal growth.

Exercise #1: Inversion Table Leg Torsion( Not Via Spine)

Duration: 20-30 mins
Frequency: Do only Once a day I Just use gravitational force, but if your bones are denser and stronger, apply weight.

Exercise #2: Standing LEG curl

Duration: TILL FAILURE ( Preferable weight just trying to tear through the muscle first so lower reps higher weight.
Frequency: 3-4 Times/weeek

Exercise #3: Squats w/differing weights on each side and Pronated + supinated squat structures to induce more dynamic torsion
View attachment 35498
Basically we want one foot to be inwards and one outwards( be comfortable and safe) dont f**k up ur tendons or ligaments.
See how the forces exert on the planes, using weights we create dynamic forces when both are different.

Exercise #4: Dumbell Twists( Arms Focused)

Reps: 50-65
Sets: 2-3
Frequency: 3-4 Times/weeek


>50hz Is sufficient for bones.

Expect .7-2.2 inches of Lower leg Growth over a decade of these methods. Even more for arm length.

LMK any questions.
Finally, excellent thread, congratulations and thank you!
I practiced this thread but i developed 2 question about the Squats and similar forces:

According to Hueter-Volkmann Law:
1- mechanical forces influence longitudinal growth
2- compressive forces inhibit growth

Would also explain why bodybuilders don't become taller: the compressive forces unable them.

And your squat is based on compressive force, so it would inhibit growth?

Also, instead of using inversion tables, can i just hang myself as if doing push ups?
I practiced this thread but i developed 2 question about the Squats and similar forces:

According to Hueter-Volkmann Law:
1- mechanical forces influence longitudinal growth
2- compressive forces inhibit growth

Would also explain why bodybuilders don't become taller: the compressive forces unable them.

And your squat is based on compressive force, so it would inhibit growth?

Also, instead of using inversion tables, can i just hang myself as if doing push ups?

compressive force should not be done, only tensile
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  • #11

compressive force should not be done, only tensile
Tensile force cannot actually have that much of an impact especialyl on cortical bone and same for compressive. Compressive can create negative microstrain whilst tensile only produces + 1 microstrain, so if you were to calculate forces whilst including torsion which with the same weight and force, torsion can produce +2 microstrain. And so tensile forces is an added benefit but it is trickier.
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  • #12
I practiced this thread but i developed 2 question about the Squats and similar forces:

According to Hueter-Volkmann Law
I practiced this thread but i developed 2 question about the Squats and similar forces:

According to Hueter-Volkmann Law:
1- mechanical forces influence longitudinal growth
2- compressive forces inhibit growth

Would also explain why bodybuilders don't become taller: the compressive forces unable them.

And your squat is based on compressive force, so it would inhibit growth?

Also, instead of using inversion tables, can i just hang myself as if doing push ups?

1- mechanical forces influence longitudinal growth
2- compressive forces inhibit growth

Would also explain why bodybuilders don't become taller: the compressive forces unable them.

And your squat is based on compressive force, so it would inhibit growth?

Also, instead of using inversion tables, can i just hang myself as if doing push ups?
The squat induces compressive forces, but applies more torsional forces meaning more microstrian is induced indicative of compressive neg - microstrain. All it is, is mathemaical computations dealing with whether you are inducing enough microstrain.
Also wdym hand your self as in gravity boots? And also If we look at top performing sprinting athletes, ones that produce a significant amount of compressive force onto the shinbones, more than the torsional squat will produce, their bones have little to no effect in terms of longitudinial length. From Current OP reports, , youll seee that such activities(Compresive Forces) can contribute to stronger and more resilient bones without negatively affecting bone length. Not to mention that since we are inducing microstrian over tons of tissue and not just bone, we can use gravitational forces to deplete the muscle usage and tearing via microstrain first, then the bones last. Ideally we just want to target the bones but it's pretty much impossible due to soft tissue.
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  • #13
The squat induces compressive forces, but applies more torsional forces meaning more microstrian is induced indicative of compressive neg - microstrain. All it is, is mathemaical computations dealing with whether you are inducing enough microstrain.
Also wdym hand your self as in gravity boots? And also If we look at top performing sprinting athletes, ones that produce a significant amount of compressive force onto the shinbones, more than the torsional squat will produce, their bones have little to no effect in terms of longitudinial length. From Current OP reports, , youll seee that such activities(Compresive Forces) can contribute to stronger and more resilient bones without negatively affecting bone length. Not to mention that since we are inducing microstrian over tons of tissue and not just bone, we can use gravitational forces to deplete the muscle usage and tearing via microstrain first, then the bones last. Ideally we just want to target the bones but it's pretty much impossible due to soft tissue.
Most body builders stop at the muscle tearing and they dont continue when it starts to induce microstrain onto the bone.
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  • #14
Most body builders stop at the muscle tearing and they dont continue when it starts to induce microstrain onto the bone.

Muscle Response to Microstrain:​

  • Lower Strain Threshold: Muscles respond to relatively low levels of mechanical strain, which can stimulate muscle growth (hypertrophy) and improve muscle strength. Activities that induce microstrain, like resistance training, typically lead to muscle adaptations first.

Bone Response to Microstrain:​

  • Higher Strain Threshold: Bones require higher levels of strain to initiate significant adaptive responses like bone remodeling or growth. When mechanical loading exceeds a certain threshold, it stimulates osteoblast activity, leading to bone formation.
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  • #15
I practiced this thread but i developed 2 question about the Squats and similar forces:

According to Hueter-Volkmann Law:
1- mechanical forces influence longitudinal growth
2- compressive forces inhibit growth

Would also explain why bodybuilders don't become taller: the compressive forces unable them.

And your squat is based on compressive force, so it would inhibit growth?

Also, instead of using inversion tables, can i just hang myself as if doing push ups?
Hueter-Volkmann Law and it's principles revolve around Open growth plates, hence why I wanted to revise some parts of this thread as I see now that lower weight + higher reps(frequency) in temrs of torsion is more beneficial. And Maybe just maybe even with open plates, the sleeping with bands might work a little bit(.5-1cm) of growth over 1-3 years.
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  • #16
Hueter-Volkmann Law and it's principles revolve around Open growth plates, hence why I wanted to revise some parts of this thread as I see now that lower weight + higher reps(frequency) in temrs of torsion is more beneficial. And Maybe just maybe even with open plates, the sleeping with bands might work a little bit(.5-1cm) of growth over 1-3 years.
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  • #17
And also what heightquest has I just saw the ankle straps, you could use that to mimick our hands holding weight. @Wilk
Most body builders stop at the muscle tearing and they dont continue when it starts to induce microstrain onto the bone.
Given that it is common practice in bodybuilding to achieve muscle failure and that most of them don't continue exercicing enough to induce microstrain onto bone, this mean we will have to go beyond muscle failure to achieve microstrain into bone?
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  • #19
Given that it is common practice in bodybuilding to achieve muscle failure and that most of them don't continue exercicing enough to induce microstrain onto bone, this mean we will have to go beyond muscle failure to achieve microstrain into bone?
Yes, that's why we structure the workouts differently, not just the movements but the weight and frequency( rest + reps). Along with that being said, I think lifting straps for hands and even ankle straps to hold weight for legs.
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  • #20
Yes, that's why we structure the workouts differently, not just the movements but the weight and frequency( rest + reps). Along with that being said, I think lifting straps for hands and even ankle straps to hold weight for legs.
Now I dont mean ego lifting by involving other muscle groups as that defeats the purpose but the whole point is to find something that can assist in inducing more microstrain onto the bone via externally( just like the tool of straps).
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  • #21
Now I dont mean ego lifting by involving other muscle groups as that defeats the purpose but the whole point is to find something that can assist in inducing more microstrain onto the bone via externally( just like the tool of straps).
Just like my mechanism I'm currently making, and what it's trying to do.
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  • #22
Given that it is common practice in bodybuilding to achieve muscle failure and that most of them don't continue exercicing enough to induce microstrain onto bone, this mean we will have to go beyond muscle failure to achieve microstrain into bone?
My muscles give out around 50 reps in for dumbell twist for example, that's when i start using boxing wrap to secure the weight to my wrist so it can induce strain on the bone, then I go again until "Bone" Failure. Now this is a weird feeling but it's similar to shin splints.
