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Gender and penis size


Well-known member
Established Member
Aug 15, 2023
Lately I been feelin kinda empty and not enough spiritual energy. Said I'd be productive and not spend a bunch of time socializing online today, but I just don't feel motivated rn, so here I am again posting online.

Firstly I'm wondering why do chicks with dicks and femboys seem to have the biggest dicks? Having an average size penis makes me feel empty and unsatisfied inside. I need either a big penis or no penis at all, I'd rather have a vagina than going around with an average size penis. I don't know why people are wanting to be mediocre. Every time I masturbate, my aesthetic proportions feel off, like my average size penis doesn't feel proportional to my taller than average body. I guess if I had PiV or oral sex I wouldn't feel so inadequate, but with masturbation or anal I feel this is inadequate. How do chicks with dicks and femboys have such large dicks, do they take some secret chemical to enlarge their dick?

Then gender. f**k it, I think I'm evolving past gender. The idea of being a man or being a woman feels cringe to me. Its like a long list of roles and societal expectations thrust upon you automatically, once you are perceived as a certain gender. I think we are just beings, lifeforms, once humanity reaches a certain point of evolution we will transcend beyond gender. Gender feels like one giant larp. For instance, when I was around other boys, they had unrealistic/impossible male role models that they autistically tried to larp as.

Then overall, I feel sad about my ex. A wife-beater got her pregnant and I haven't seen her since. She seemed really unhappy with him. Seems like a dystopian society. I broke up with her long before that. Felt like a beta-bux around her, she rarely gave me any love. I guess I wasn't worthy enough for her. Looking back, there were some things I could have improved about myself, but overall, she seemed way too alpha and not in an appealing way, the whole relationship seemed like a beta-bux while she cheated on me. I still would like a dominant female gf, but one who gives me the love I need and doesn't cheat on me. Overall though I felt like being a woman gave her too much power over me, I had to always do what she says because she was born xx. And it overall wasn't fun and wasn't healthy.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me and frankly I don't care. Sorry though for dumping my emotions on you.
Lately I been feelin kinda empty and not enough spiritual energy. Said I'd be productive and not spend a bunch of time socializing online today, but I just don't feel motivated rn, so here I am again posting online.

Firstly I'm wondering why do chicks with dicks and femboys seem to have the biggest dicks? Having an average size penis makes me feel empty and unsatisfied inside. I need either a big penis or no penis at all, I'd rather have a vagina than going around with an average size penis. I don't know why people are wanting to be mediocre. Every time I masturbate, my aesthetic proportions feel off, like my average size penis doesn't feel proportional to my taller than average body. I guess if I had PiV or oral sex I wouldn't feel so inadequate, but with masturbation or anal I feel this is inadequate. How do chicks with dicks and femboys have such large dicks, do they take some secret chemical to enlarge their dick?

Then gender. f**k it, I think I'm evolving past gender. The idea of being a man or being a woman feels cringe to me. Its like a long list of roles and societal expectations thrust upon you automatically, once you are perceived as a certain gender. I think we are just beings, lifeforms, once humanity reaches a certain point of evolution we will transcend beyond gender. Gender feels like one giant larp. For instance, when I was around other boys, they had unrealistic/impossible male role models that they autistically tried to larp as.

Then overall, I feel sad about my ex. A wife-beater got her pregnant and I haven't seen her since. She seemed really unhappy with him. Seems like a dystopian society. I broke up with her long before that. Felt like a beta-bux around her, she rarely gave me any love. I guess I wasn't worthy enough for her. Looking back, there were some things I could have improved about myself, but overall, she seemed way too alpha and not in an appealing way, the whole relationship seemed like a beta-bux while she cheated on me. I still would like a dominant female gf, but one who gives me the love I need and doesn't cheat on me. Overall though I felt like being a woman gave her too much power over me, I had to always do what she says because she was born xx. And it overall wasn't fun and wasn't healthy.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me and frankly I don't care. Sorry though for dumping my emotions on you.

black men and chads have the biggest cocks, not femboys
warned because this is not looksmaxxing , moved to offtopic
Then gender. f**k it, I think I'm evolving past gender. The idea of being a man or being a woman feels cringe to me. Its like a long list of roles and societal expectations thrust upon you automatically, once you are perceived as a certain gender. I think we are just beings, lifeforms, once humanity reaches a certain point of evolution we will transcend beyond gender. Gender feels like one giant larp.
that will be difficult, humans have reached stagnation in terms of evolution. evolution occurs under selective pressure, such as large scale natural disasters, disease, etc. it also occurs due to isolation (founder effect). we as humans as a whole are advanced enough to not die in such great numbers, our tech and knowledge helps prevent that. additionally, we are not isolated, advanced transportation enables gene flow. so no, due to our overwhelming numbers in pop., and intelligence, we will not be able to evolve. however, in a laboratory, human sex cells could be genetically transfromed to produce a modified offspring. but they would no longer be human (similar tho), because the sex chromosomes differ but still retain function to reproduce. also, most people would probably be against transcending bc they are ok with their gender, but not ok with the effects of their gender (societal norms and stuff). in the future societal progress could happen (in terms of respect, not stupid feminist women crying and screaming).
but sometimes gender does feel like a giant larp and i am evolving past it (obv not the case for most). probly my r****d brain
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  • #8
that will be difficult, humans have reached stagnation in terms of evolution.
there is no more natural selection anymore.

There is only sexual selection and fisherian runaway (human genetics are currently controlled by females.)

there can still be evolution though, through new genetics editing technologies. Additionally, humans are not like other animals and are more like demigods, because they can evolve through language, philosophy and culture, beyond just physical evolution.

we as humans as a whole are advanced enough to not die in such great numbers, our tech and knowledge helps prevent that.
humans are lazy and primitive, we do not have enough lasers and telescopes monitoring for asteroids and extra-terrestrial colliders.

we have no defenses against a magnetic pole shift and most electronics systems are vunerable to solar flares.

but sometimes gender does feel like a giant larp and i am evolving past it (obv not the case for most).
you are above average intelligence
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  • #9
i have been searching steadily for penis enlargement research, I have not found much. All I have found is testosterone being given to people with a micropenis, and it grows their penis but their penis ends up being still below average. I see zero research about penis enlargement to adults who have an average sized penis.

The best lead I have so far is this book but I can't afford it, can someone buy this book and research it for me?

Testosterone is a hormone that is responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics, including the growth of the penis during puberty. However, once a man has completed puberty and his penis has reached its maximum size, further testosterone supplementation is unlikely to lead to any significant increase in size.

In fact, studies have shown that testosterone supplementation can actually have adverse effects on penis size. One study published in the Journal of Urology found that long-term use of testosterone therapy resulted in a decrease in penile length in some men. The researchers hypothesized that this decrease may be due to the growth of fibrous tissue in the penis, which can cause the penis to become shorter and narrower over time."
humans are lazy and primitive, we do not have enough lasers and telescopes monitoring for asteroids and extra-terrestrial colliders.

we have no defenses against a magnetic pole shift and most electronics systems are vunerable to solar flares.
thats why astronomy research places need more funding, we are spending too much money on other irrelevant things like sending billions to other countries and corporations. but it could boost evolution.

magnetic pole shift and solar flares are not too bad, animals will be confused from the poles and our electricty will be f****d up but the animals will adapt, and we will be quick to fix it.
There is only sexual selection and fisherian runaway (human genetics are currently controlled by females.)
agreed, but this will be more slow, it will take many many many generations to change. also r**e can be considered if males become desperate enough. but seeing the societal change (at least in the US), this is unlikely, they will become gay/trans and women will get abortions if it happens. the r**e offspring is more likely to happen in underdeveloped countries.
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thats why astronomy research places need more funding, we are spending too much money on other irrelevant things like sending billions to other countries and corporations. but it could boost evolution.
the global north seems to have some money to put to protection against celestial bodies its the global south that has no defenses of this

magnetic pole shift and solar flares are not too bad, animals will be confused from the poles and our electricty will be f****d up but the animals will adapt, and we will be quick to fix it.
magnetic pole shift will cause a mud flood and wipe out most life on earth

electric grid shutdown from solar flare will wipe out at most 90% of humans and leave most animal species intact
the global north seems to have some money to put to protection against celestial bodies its the global south that has no defenses of this

magnetic pole shift will cause a mud flood and wipe out most life on earth

electric grid shutdown from solar flare will wipe out at most 90% of humans and leave most animal species intact
the global north will assist the global south because asteroid impacts can cause tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions from far away. also trade.
there wouldnt be a big enough mud flood to wipe out most of life on earth. pole shifts have happened repeatedly in the past and no mass extinctions occurred as a result. electricity would be fd up tho
a blackout does not mean significant death. people will be quick to fix everything. death will likely result from satellites and airplanes being messed up, as well as people on life support or other hospital equipment
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  • #13
the global north will assist the global south because asteroid impacts can cause tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions from far away. also trade.
society is filled with idiots, i doubt they will help or even care
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  • #14
the global north will assist the global south because asteroid impacts can cause tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions from far away. also trade.
there wouldnt be a big enough mud flood to wipe out most of life on earth. pole shifts have happened repeatedly in the past and no mass extinctions occurred as a result. electricity would be fd up tho

a blackout does not mean significant death. people will be quick to fix everything. death will likely result from satellites and airplanes being messed up, as well as people on life support or other hospital equipment
someone else calculated it would be up to 90%

someone else calculated it would be up to 90%
i clicked the link and in it it said: But evidence for this has proven elusive. In fact, “the general belief had been that geomagnetic changes had no impact on climate or anything else,” says Alan Cooper, an evolutionary biologist at BlueSky Genetics in Adelaide. One reason for that belief is a dearth of precise dates for the timing and duration of the geomagnetic event to correlate with environmental, ice core and magnetic rock records.
society is filled with idiots, i doubt they will help or even care
yes, but they will be incentivized for trade, diplomatic relations, and looking good. usa is helping ukraine bc 1: they are against russia 2: it looks good to help out a struggling nation 3: corporations that produce military equipment profit
now, interestingly, it is incentivized in blue states to allow and give benefits to illegal immigrants, and they will be rushed through the citizenship process. this is because then they will vote for biden. also, trade with the south is important. so they will be protected. (also nations will probably want to test their equipment and it would be easier if it went to the south so the north would be ok in the case of anything happenign)
The joos got you have become a f****t and no femboy or Trannies dont have bigger dick on avarage its false and how big is your dick

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