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Discussion Getting a girlfriend discussion


Active member
Sep 13, 2024
how does someone in a new city get a girlfriend if you know nobody have 0 mutual connections and have 0 friends surely you don’t just cold approach a girl I could never do that how do you even get friends let alone a girlfriend how do you even meet people in a new city it confuses me so much
how does someone in a new city get a girlfriend if you know nobody have 0 mutual connections and have 0 friends surely you don’t just cold approach a girl I could never do that how do you even get friends let alone a girlfriend how do you even meet people in a new city it confuses me so much
im way out of my depth here bud but I can suggest going to the gym, clubs or bars or joining something stupid like a yoga, pottery or painting class. also i hate to say it but dating apps are a good recourse. But if you are a teen and still in school, id suggest just like talking to ppl idk😭 its stupid but just complient your way into an aqaintence than slowly start to become closer. For a gf in school find your looksmatch and call her pretty or compliment her or something👍🏾
how does someone in a new city get a girlfriend if you know nobody have 0 mutual connections and have 0 friends surely you don’t just cold approach a girl I could never do that how do you even get friends let alone a girlfriend how do you even meet people in a new city it confuses me so much
Start bonesmashing her face
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  • #6
im way out of my depth here bud but I can suggest going to the gym, clubs or bars or joining something stupid like a yoga, pottery or painting class. also i hate to say it but dating apps are a good recourse. But if you are a teen and still in school, id suggest just like talking to ppl idk😭 its stupid but just complient your way into an aqaintence than slowly start to become closer. For a gf in school find your looksmatch and call her pretty or compliment her or something👍🏾
Im in my last year of school and as soon as its over im planning on moving so im trying to get some ideas of what to do thank you for the advice though
how does someone in a new city get a girlfriend if you know nobody have 0 mutual connections and have 0 friends surely you don’t just cold approach a girl I could never do that how do you even get friends let alone a girlfriend how do you even meet people in a new city it confuses me so much
just walk down the street or walk around your city and when you meet a girl you find attractive just go over and talk to her and say things like "Hello".
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  • #9
im way out of my depth here bud but I can suggest going to the gym, clubs or bars or joining something stupid like a yoga, pottery or painting class. also i hate to say it but dating apps are a good recourse. But if you are a teen and still in school, id suggest just like talking to ppl idk😭 its stupid but just complient your way into an aqaintence than slowly start to become closer. For a gf in school find your looksmatch and call her pretty or compliment her or something👍🏾
It’s just so unrealistic im just hoping the girl of my dreams will just fall into my life JFL would never happen though and I know that unfortunately
Bro I could not just cold approach a girl that’s like the worst thing ever JFL
it's hard to get into trust but just break the ice with anything.

the worst thing that can happen to you is that he rejects you, doesn't want to talk to you and just ignores you, that's obviously painful jfl but you get used to it.
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  • #15
it's hard to get into trust but just break the ice with anything.

the worst thing that can happen to you is that he rejects you, doesn't want to talk to you and just ignores you, that's obviously painful jfl but you get used to it.
Yea I guess thanks a lot for the advice bro do you cold approach?
It’s just so unrealistic im just hoping the girl of my dreams will just fall into my life JFL would never happen though and I know that unfortunately
that will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever happen, it doesn't even happen to the hottest guys on this planet.

women never take the initiative xd
that will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever happen, it doesn't even happen to the hottest guys on this planet.

women never take the initiative xd
I got approached twice in school younger girls do it more
how does someone in a new city get a girlfriend if you know nobody have 0 mutual connections and have 0 friends surely you don’t just cold approach a girl I could never do that how do you even get friends let alone a girlfriend how do you even meet people in a new city it confuses me so much
I'm sure you're exaggerating, I'm sure you have some friends where ever you are.

Best thing to do is just talk to random people, and go to events like arm wrestling, boxing, magic: the gathering, dungeons and dragons, pokemon, volleyball, basketball.

You can just apporach random people and just start talking to them, maybe don't expect anything meaningful to come from the interaction that way you wont have any pressure on yourself to get a number or anything.
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  • #35
I'm sure you're exaggerating, I'm sure you have some friends where ever you are.

Best thing to do is just talk to random people, and go to events like arm wrestling, boxing, magic: the gathering, dungeons and dragons, pokemon, volleyball, basketball.

You can just apporach random people and just start talking to them, maybe don't expect anything meaningful to come from the interaction that way you wont have any pressure on yourself to get a number or anything.
I wish I was exaggerating even now I have no friends irl let alone when I move to a different country I’ll have none and I can’t really see myself going up to random people at events alone and just taking to them I’ll just have to live with it
I wish I was exaggerating even now I have no friends irl let alone when I move to a different country I’ll have none and I can’t really see myself going up to random people at events alone and just taking to them I’ll just have to live with it
If you can't talk to random people then you have a problem, once you get to be my age you will conquer it, if you're at some sort of event just talk to them about the event itself, like if you're at boxing practice then talk about boxing.
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  • #37
If you can't talk to random people then you have a problem, once you get to be my age you will conquer it, if you're at some sort of event just talk to them about the event itself, like if you're at boxing practice then talk about boxing.
Yea I guess thanks for the advice man really helped

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