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girls, whats your ideal guy?

From my female friends and female coworkers perspective, it looks lite the ideal man is a tall brunnette with a old money hairstyle and clothing, good in bed (they're rare), get attention from women (desired by women) but didn't respond to the attention. Personality wise the ideal man need extra confidence to talk, hug & touch, flirting etc, respecting his mother and girlfriend...

Unfortunately they can't find physically their man
personality and looks

(guys can answer this as well but i’ve already asked the guys of the forum this)
A nice, humble, and loyal guy. Preferably an ethnic men or at least a foreign guy who doesn't judge me based on my skin color. Someone who can easily take care of me when I'm feeling down and I can do the same for him. My only requirements for looks would be for him to have a sort of dad body so it would be more comfortable for me to lie underneath and always have the best snuggles.
A nice, humble, and loyal guy. Preferably an ethnic men or at least a foreign guy who doesn't judge me based on my skin color. Someone who can easily take care of me when I'm feeling down and I can do the same for him. My only requirements for looks would be for him to have a sort of dad body so it would be more comfortable for me to lie underneath and always have the best snuggles.
Sounds like me fr
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  • #25
Due to everyone having messed up hormones nowadays, I would say that from what I can gather most girls like low test looking men with many feminine features.
man im just a little bit gay

i think most girls like either that or like a build super masculine guy, its really two ends of an extreme physically
man im just a little bit gay

i think most girls like either that or like a build super masculine guy, its really two ends of an extreme physically
Yeah, but I still believe that the majority of girls would be more attracted to the feminized guy over hyper masculine.
I think most women prefer a guy who strikes a balance between masculinity and youthfulness, not so much femininity. He’s usually a bit taller than average, with dark hair, either a classic or modern e-boy cut. Physique wise, he shouldn’t be too built, nor too fat or skinny. He’s assertive with the world but loving and caring with them. He should offer a bit of a challenge, not too rebellious but not overly obedient, keeping her interested in taming him. But hey, I could be wrong about all this, just my take as a guy.
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  • #29
I think most women prefer a guy who strikes a balance between masculinity and youthfulness, not so much femininity. He’s usually a bit taller than average, with dark hair, either a classic or modern e-boy cut. Physique wise, he shouldn’t be too built, nor too fat or skinny. He’s assertive with the world but loving and caring with them. He should offer a bit of a challenge, not too rebellious but not overly obedient, keeping her interested in taming him. But hey, I could be wrong about all this, just my take as a guy.
i think this is probably the most accurate take, this applies to most women
Due to everyone having messed up hormones nowadays, I would say that from what I can gather most girls like low test looking men with many feminine features.
Explains the BTS craze.
i think its because they are still young, going thru puberty girls
as they age they will like more masculine men
BTS fans are mostly teens
"Facial masculinity preferences
The fixed effects from the model predicting women’s preference for facial masculinity are reported in Table 2. The intercept was negative (though non-significant), suggesting that women overall slightly preferred facial femininity. Participants’ age positively predicted preferences for facial masculinity, suggesting that older participants were more likely to prefer facial masculinity. Similarly, there was a significant, positive relationship between participant SOI and facial masculinity preferences, such that sociosexually unrestricted women preferred more facially masculine men. There was also a significant, positive association between the Health/Development factor and facial masculinity preference, such that as the health of a nation and/or development increased, preference for facial masculinity increased (Fig. 1). There was no significant association between the Inequality factor and facial masculinity preference."

it's also stated that during female puberty and post menopause females do not have strong preference for masculine features
post puberty during peak reproductive years they like masculine men
i like a guy who goes to the gym, is genuinely into it and eats well and trains hard. i do not like skinny twig boys, i would want to make food to fuel him through his workouts. i also want a guy that would go out on hikes with me and explore. he also needs to not stress me out, i want a peaceful relationship where we always communicate and are kind to eachother. i hate insecure and jealous guys, personally i am not the type to get jealous because if i choose you then i TRUST you. i would never get with someone i cannot trust. i don’t care for height and i just want a looksmatched face to mine.👍
i like a guy who goes to the gym, is genuinely into it and eats well and trains hard. i do not like skinny twig boys, i would want to make food to fuel him through his workouts. i also want a guy that would go out on hikes with me and explore. he also needs to not stress me out, i want a peaceful relationship where we always communicate and are kind to eachother. i hate insecure and jealous guys, personally i am not the type to get jealous because if i choose you then i TRUST you. i would never get with someone i cannot trust. i don’t care for height and i just want a looksmatched face to mine.👍
Lifefuel that girls like you exist. I'm big into hiking and going out into nature, and from what I've known and heard, most girls don't enjoy it, or find it boring.
Lifefuel that girls like you exist. I'm big into hiking and going out into nature, and from what I've known and heard, most girls don't enjoy it, or find it boring.
some of my girl buddies also really love it, they are out there! i hope you find a girl who would join in on hiking and exploring nature with you! 🙏
all these females stated how low they can go when choosing their male partener

none of those guys are ideal they are just what these females will manage with and could not go lower

normally one would date someone who is not thier perfect dream partner
From my female friends and female coworkers perspective, it looks lite the ideal man is a tall brunnette with a old money hairstyle and clothing, good in bed (they're rare), get attention from women (desired by women) but didn't respond to the attention. Personality wise the ideal man need extra confidence to talk, hug & touch, flirting etc, respecting his mother and girlfriend...

Unfortunately they can't find physically their man
Jesus Christ
I think most women prefer a guy who strikes a balance between masculinity and youthfulness, not so much femininity. He’s usually a bit taller than average, with dark hair, either a classic or modern e-boy cut. Physique wise, he shouldn’t be too built, nor too fat or skinny. He’s assertive with the world but loving and caring with them. He should offer a bit of a challenge, not too rebellious but not overly obedient, keeping her interested in taming him. But hey, I could be wrong about all this, just my take as a guy.
What makes you think women don't want tall?
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