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girls, whats your ideal guy?

Hypergamous roasties
Hypergamy always existed, but now it's out of proportion, so they end up as pump&dump (because they will be horrible gfs anyways) at best and put the blame on all the men (who means the ugly/short dudes). Brutal af, and they will resenting their next boyfriends for it. Listening to them without any filters is the most brutal wake up call you can have
Hypergamy always existed, but now it's out of proportion, so they end up as pump&dump (because they will be horrible gfs anyways) at best and put the blame on all the men (who means the ugly/short dudes). Brutal af, and they will resenting their next boyfriends for it. Listening to them without any filters is the most brutal wake up call you can have
Will they get what they want or get pump and dump?
thats like average height, right? i just want a guy whos taller than me he doesnt have to be like 7ft tall
more in depth explaination of my ideal guy

face: softer ‘prettier’ features, this is mostly because i prefer to draw these types of features

physique: taller than me and can pick me up, other than that im not super picky

personality: loving and loyal, im a super cheesy romantic person so he would hafta match that energy, and shares interests
more in depth explaination of my ideal guy

face: softer ‘prettier’ features, this is mostly because i prefer to draw these types of features

physique: taller than me and can pick me up, other than that im not super picky

personality: loving and loyal, im a super cheesy romantic person so he would hafta match that energy, and shares interests
Do you think he’ll want you for a long term relationship?
Do you think he’ll want you for a long term relationship?
i’m only interested in long term relationships

i’ve been in one relationship in my life and it was a little over a year
what 15 year old boy is 6’3 lmao keep in mind im 15
It's not too uncommon in my school setting, which is why even though I'm 5'11, I regularly get height mogged.
Will they get what they want or get pump and dump?
Atm they got played by tinder's handsome men because they're obviously attracted physically & sexually to these guys, but also don't want to withhold sex because they don't want to look like they're prude and prob affraid to "lose" that guy's interest. So pumped & dumped.
"I like very very minor imperfections on a chad tee hee"
moles are considered signs of beauty so it’s not imperfections?

also thats like saying “grrr girls say they want xyz but when its an ugly man that has xyz then they don’t want him” like yeah? everyone whats to date someone who’s attractive 😭
basically a guy who is sweet and not subhuman like a ltn or low mtn i wouldnt trust if anyone better looking than that liked me yet
my ideal guy is like a 5’10 pretty boy with the same interests as me 🥲
also smart, funny, empathetic, sentimental, religious/philosophical, romantic, loyal so basically never gonna find that.
i love how newbies want to date gods while they are bellow mortals
Honestly ur a sad individual. Don’t put the lovely ladies of this site down like that. They are all gorgeous and deserve to demand the best of the absolute best. Ur personality just oozes hateful incel. Do better