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Give me tips about my fitness lifestyle


Dec 21, 2023
I'd really appreciate if you guys read the whole thing! Hi everyone, I am 15 years old turning 16 in June. I'm currently 174cm tall. And I weigh 58 kilos. Right now I'm pretty muscular but I still have a bit if fat on my belly and face. But I'm working on it. I workout 6 times a week so my rest day is on Thursday. I have been dirty bulking for a year straight which wasn't so good for me because it ended up just me gaining lots of fat but also strength and muscle. I'm currently cutting so I can be lean enough too start a proper bulk. My workout routine 👇
Monday: Chest Triceps and Shoulders
Tuesday: Back and Bicep
Wednesday: Legs
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Back and Chest
Saturday: Bicep Triceps and Shoulders
Sunday: Legs
My diet consists of ground beef, eggs, broccoli, avocados, carrots, carrot and that's it's. Maybe once or twice per week I'll eat a banan or an apple. And when I eat I drink some water or milk. I try my best too drink 1-2 liters of water per day.

In the morning I eat around 200-250 grams of ground beef with 2-3 eggs and some avocado or carrots. When I make my food I use olive oil. I don't put any sauce on my good or seasoning. Milk is a very important thing for me. I drink it's literally every single day. When I'm thirsty I drink milk, when I eat I drink milk. The problem is that sometimes I drink so much milk that I forget too drink water completely. And the milk I'm drinking has sugar too which is not that good because I'm doing my best at avoiding sugar.

So based of what you guys have read I want you too tell me your opinion about it. I want you too tell me things I do good and things I do bad. If there's anything I'm doing that's bad or wrong I'd appreciate if you tell me why and explain too me what too do instead.

Thanks for reading.
by sugar in your milk do you mean added sugar or lactose?

just drink regular whole fat milk

it looks ok except do not cut right now, you are in a key stage of development right now and cutting will just stunt your growth and development. Instead just eat at a maintenance and try to be more active throughout the day.

also industrial sugar is bad but sugar from fruit for example is good in moderation, it stimulates the hormone IGF 1 which is crucial for developing and puberty.

I do like that you only eat real food, keep that up. One thing i’d recommend doing if you aren’t already is using a meal tracking app, that way you can be sure that your macros and servings are exactly right.

hope this helps good luck
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  • #3
by sugar in your milk do you mean added sugar or lactose?

just drink regular whole fat milk

it looks ok except do not cut right now, you are in a key stage of development right now and cutting will just stunt your growth and development. Instead just eat at a maintenance and try to be more active throughout the day.

also industrial sugar is bad but sugar from fruit for example is good in moderation, it stimulates the hormone IGF 1 which is crucial for developing and puberty.

I do like that you only eat real food, keep that up. One thing i’d recommend doing if you aren’t already is using a meal tracking app, that way you can be sure that your macros and servings are exactly right.

hope this helps good luck

by sugar in your milk do you mean added sugar or lactose?

just drink regular whole fat milk

it looks ok except do not cut right now, you are in a key stage of development right now and cutting will just stunt your growth and development. Instead just eat at a maintenance and try to be more active throughout the day.

also industrial sugar is bad but sugar from fruit for example is good in moderation, it stimulates the hormone IGF 1 which is crucial for developing and puberty.

I do like that you only eat real food, keep that up. One thing i’d recommend doing if you aren’t already is using a meal tracking app, that way you can be sure that your macros and servings are exactly right.

hope this helps good luck
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  • #4
by sugar in your milk do you mean added sugar or lactose?

just drink regular whole fat milk

it looks ok except do not cut right now, you are in a key stage of development right now and cutting will just stunt your growth and development. Instead just eat at a maintenance and try to be more active throughout the day.

also industrial sugar is bad but sugar from fruit for example is good in moderation, it stimulates the hormone IGF 1 which is crucial for developing and puberty.

I do like that you only eat real food, keep that up. One thing i’d recommend doing if you aren’t already is using a meal tracking app, that way you can be sure that your macros and servings are exactly right.

hope this helps good luck
This is the milk I'm drinking

I don't know if it's added sugar or lactose. I know that I'm going through puberty and I should just eat normally so I can grow, but I want too lose weight so bad you don't understand. I really want too just get rid of this face fat and belly fat so I can just start bulking. And also I have used myfitnesspal before, but I stopped using it because I learned that if you know what you eat already and what it contains you don't need too track your calories or protein.
First of all, good job on spending time in the gym! Socondly, I would try to bulk up so you can stay in the 155 LBS - 175 LBS range cause that is the most aesthetic weight for your height. I would just fix in getting more carbs but although, you are doing a great job!
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  • #6
First of all, good job on spending time in the gym! Socondly, I would try to bulk up so you can stay in the 155 LBS - 175 LBS range cause that is the most aesthetic weight for your height. I would just fix in getting more carbs but although, you are doing a great job!
Yeah I know I want to start bulking but I rly struggle with face fat and belly fat and I wanna lose weight first before I start bulking
Yeah I know I want to start bulking but I rly struggle with face fat and belly fat and I wanna lose weight first before I start bulking
Don’t do that! If you do that, you would just be a smaller big guy (if you know what I mean.) Just stick with the bulk and trust me!
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  • #8
But man I rly rly struggle with Face fat if u read through my other threads u will see what I'm talking about
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  • #14
But will I still gain muscle and strength?

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