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Discussion Goatis is evil


Eating raw is devolution humans are not going to advance also humans killed thier food before eating it not eating it while alive
I mean I get the concern with letting the animal suffer, there's no point in that, but raw meat is the best food to eat. It's what we're supposed to eat. Nothing wrong with him eating that goat.
I mean I get the concern with letting the animal suffer, there's no point in that, but raw meat is the best food to eat. It's what we're supposed to eat. Nothing wrong with him eating that goat.
Raw meat is cope nofap mogs
don't tell me u haven't seen animals getting killed before
I have I grew up around tons of stray animals I have burried cats set on fire with rubber bands and I have burried cats half eaten it's not a flex to see animals die bro it's not natural even in the animal kingdom
Cooking food is natural and even better for health kills parasites makes nutrients more bioavailable
I'd have to disagree brother. I've seen enough evidence to convince me that it reduces almost everything useful, and naturally, parasites were not that much of a worry
I have I grew up around tons of stray animals I have burried cats set on fire with rubber bands and I have burried cats half eaten it's not a flex to see animals die bro it's not natural even in the animal kingdom
i have seen goats killed like that with bleeding out slowly and also beheaded in 1 blow(muslim vs hindu)

i haven't seen dead cats or burnt cats or eaten
prolly some drug addict from mexico did that and its animal cruelty to burn animals

if it was eating then you should finish whats killed its disrespectful if u don't (prolly some chinese drug addict did that)
i have seen goats killed like that with bleeding out slowly and also beheaded in 1 blow(muslim vs hindu)

i haven't seen dead cats or burnt cats or eaten
prolly some drug addict from mexico did that and its animal cruelty to burn animals

if it was eating then you should finish whats killed its disrespectful if u don't (prolly some chinese drug addict did that)
Bad kids where I lived used to burn cats and chase them idk why animal's dying is sick and evil bro
i have seen goats killed like that with bleeding out slowly and also beheaded in 1 blow(muslim vs hindu)

i haven't seen dead cats or burnt cats or eaten
prolly some drug addict from mexico did that and its animal cruelty to burn animals

if it was eating then you should finish whats killed its disrespectful if u don't (prolly some chinese drug addict did that)
I only eat processed food no larp
Bad kids where I lived used to burn cats and chase them idk why animal's dying is sick and evil bro
thats likely because those children had some sort of mental disorder
they should have been given chickens to kill and not burn any live animal

Eating raw is devolution humans are not going to advance also humans killed thier food before eating it not eating it while alive
Aid muh-burack to all my fellow copers n shiet
Immoral shit to let an animal suffers like that just kill him instantly and then collect the blood