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Info Gonna be a vegetarian for a while

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  • #6
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  • #8
Why do you think vegetarians want food that mimics real meat??? Its like wanting your girl to fuk you with a strap on.
I like eating meat and I understand it's health benefits...

I just have to be vegetarian for a while and thought I would share because what I always do here.
I see... Only reason I would go vegetarian is the cost of meat/eggs/milk products is outrageous, I could literally get by on 150.00 a month (or less) for groceries without animal products. Eating animal products I spend over 400.00 a month on groceries.
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  • #10
I see... Only reason I would go vegetarian is the cost of meat/eggs/milk products is outrageous, I could literally get by on 150.00 a month (or less) for groceries without animal products. Eating animal products I spend over 400.00 a month on groceries.

Meat is very cheap here, I usually get lamb shoulder it's my favorite

Only reason I would go vegetarian is the cost of meat/eggs/milk products is outrageous

I am going vegetarian because I'll be living with my grandmother for a while on her farm. She is Hindu and can't kill animals. I can still eat dairy and stuff though, that's where most of her protein comes from, traditional yoghurts and dairy blends.

She farms her own fruits and vegetables.
Meat is very cheap here, I usually get lamb shoulder it's my favorite

I am going vegetarian because I'll be living with my grandmother for a while on her farm. She is Hindu and can't kill animals. I can still eat dairy and stuff though, that's where most of her protein comes from, traditional yoghurts and dairy blends.

She farms her own fruits and vegetables.
She lives without B12 and D?
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  • #14
She lives without B12 and D?
Vegetarians aren't deficient in that department, they just have to be extra mindful on it

Almost everyone is deficient on something, A majority of people I know IRL don't use tools like Chronometer.
Meat is very cheap here, I usually get lamb shoulder it's my favorite

I am going vegetarian because I'll be living with my grandmother for a while on her farm. She is Hindu and can't kill animals. I can still eat dairy and stuff though, that's where most of her protein comes from, traditional yoghurts and dairy blends.

She farms her own fruits and vegetables.
Meat is very cheap here, I usually get lamb shoulder it's my favorite

I am going vegetarian because I'll be living with my grandmother for a while on her farm. She is Hindu and can't kill animals. I can still eat dairy and stuff though, that's where most of her protein comes from, traditional yoghurts and dairy blends.

She farms her own fruits and vegetables.
W grandma
“धर्म एव हतो हन्ति धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः। तस्माद्धर्मो न हन्तव्यो मा नो धर्मो हतोऽवधीत् ॥”View attachment 33465
Bhaat iz theez saar
We lost to muslims cause we were smaller , weaker, slower and more soy than them
images (23).jpeg
They stabbed us on our back kidnapped womens, fought like pussies yet they lost multiple times the problem was with indian people they don't care who rules the world all they wanted is to be safe they were scared of death
Hitler hated indians because of their mentality
View attachment 33466
They stabbed us on our back kidnapped womens, fought like pussies yet they lost multiple times the problem was with indian people they don't care who rules the world all they were scared of death
Hitler hated indians because of their mentality
It was war not friendly match

There should be no rules for wars
We were so soy that we has rules and chad conquerors didn't
View attachment 33466
They stabbed us on our back kidnapped womens, fought like pussies yet they lost multiple times the problem was with indian people they don't care who rules the world all they wanted is to be safe they were scared of death
Hitler hated indians because of their mentality
Only reason Shivaji is appreciated is cause he wasn't soy like other kings
It was war not friendly match

There should be no rules for wars
We were so soy that we has rules and chad conquerors didn't
Even if it was war a warrior still knows how to fight
Many tried to conquer us before mughals even the biggest empire ottoman lost to us
A war is something that should be taken seriously and fight like true warriors
Even if it was war a warrior still knows how to fight
Many tried to conquer us before mughals even the biggest empire ottoman lost to us
A war is something that should be taken seriously and fight like true warriors
In war ur only focus should be on victory

It doesn't matter how u achieve it

Soy mentality is that u need to follow rules when killing masses
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  • #41
We got ruled over by everyone cause we didn't eat meat
It caused inferiority
Because mainlanders have extreme victim mentality and stubbornness

Can't stop talking about colonialism, can't stop talking about "back then" and every single uncivilized act is just "culture".

Call them out and they will say " At least my mother not only fans bro :LOL:🤙👌"

All mainlanders I've met are severely delusional
Because mainlanders have extreme victim mentality and stubbornness

Can't stop talking about colonialism, can't stop talking about "back then" and every single uncivilized act is just "culture".

Call them out and they will say " At least my mother not only fans bro :LOL:🤙👌"

All mainlanders I've met are severely delusional

I hate most indians

U can see the low iq corniness from another galaxy
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  • #44

I hate most indians

U can see the low iq corniness from another galaxy
Indian parents also force a lot of us to go STEM only

Which is why we have very little representation outside of local media. Very little amount of international bands or movies star a lot of Indians in a very positive and romanticized light. Compared to East Asians.
Indian parents also force a lot of us to go STEM only

Which is why we have very little representation outside of local media. Very little amount of international bands or movies star a lot of Indians in a very positive and romanticized light. Compared to East Asians.
In simple words please
Indian parents also force a lot of us to go STEM only

Which is why we have very little representation outside of local media. Very little amount of international bands or movies star a lot of Indians in a very positive and romanticized light. Compared to East Asians.
Didn't understand a single molecule
Because mainlanders have extreme victim mentality and stubbornness

Can't stop talking about colonialism, can't stop talking about "back then" and every single uncivilized act is just "culture".

Call them out and they will say " At least my mother not only fans bro :LOL:🤙👌"

All mainlanders I've met are severely delusional
Indian people really needs to stop looking at past and think of the future
Idk why they teach us about history my heart hurts everytime when it's independence day coz Britishers left india when it was completely looted and to make things worse they divided us
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  • #50
Britishers left india when it was completely looted and to make things worse they divided us
Colonizers not only divided India but left power vacuums in politics and the United States funded wars and conflicts between India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The genocide and epigenetic damage within the region is extremely cruel, and the genocide on Tamils in Sri Lanka are even worse.

We are so divided even though at one point we were all united as one, Tragic.

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