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Info Gonna be a vegetarian for a while

Indian people really needs to stop looking at past and think of the future
Idk why they teach us about history my heart hurts everytime when it's independence day coz Britishers left india when it was completely looted and to make things worse they divided us
History teaches to not be soy like our ancestors
Why not
If someone came at your house illegally and said that's my house from now on what would you do
We had shit rules like

No sneak attacks
No strikes below waist
No killing unarmed
Leaving who threw weapon
It's not you're not defeated till death
You'd probably do anything possible to get your house back
And if i will kill them by even by striking their ass from behind while sneaking even when they have thrown their weapons and are unarmed it would be fair
It does
Science teaches us to think logically
Relegion teaches us to think spiritually
Both should have a balance in life
3:1 ratio is best then
Meat is very cheap here, I usually get lamb shoulder it's my favorite

I am going vegetarian because I'll be living with my grandmother for a while on her farm. She is Hindu and can't kill animals. I can still eat dairy and stuff though, that's where most of her protein comes from, traditional yoghurts and dairy blends.

She farms her own fruits and vegetables.
That’s kinda cool that she grows it all herself.
True but another reason was we stopped evolving our weapons


Nietzsche noted that highly religiously and academic developed cultures eventually were conquered by more bastard and barbaric culture due to the development of war effort logic.

Historically, chuch boy and nerds gets destroyed by repetentes drug dealers Bullers.

Nietzsche noted that highly religiously and academic developed cultures eventually were conquered by more bastard and barbaric culture due to the development of war effort logic.

Historically, chuch boy and nerds gets destroyed by repetentes drug dealers Bullers.
Europeans were far more devloped and they destroyed everyone so false theory
Europeans were far more devloped and they destroyed everyone so false theory
Europeans were more barbaric then chinese and índia at the time of the roman empire, and they lost for the guys whose term barbarism were created (the vinking dumb stupid war tribes).

But they only lost for the vikings after Christianity became mainstream, chanching the law and overall culture.

Later, as Christianity got corrupted, the feudalism logic made Europeans develop war logic again..., and so the cycle goes
Europeans were more barbaric then chinese and índia at the time of the roman empire, and they lost for the guys whose term barbarism were created (the vinking dumb stupid war tribes).

But they only lost for the vikings after Christianity became mainstream, chanching the law and overall culture.

Later, as Christianity got corrupted, the feudalism logic made Europeans develop war logic again..., and so the cycle goes
They were the most developed and sophisticated people in 1700 when they came to india
Two retards derailed my thread

Nobody gives a shit

War is cucked
Blindly being patriotic is cucked
Blindly being religious is cucked
Arguing about this shit is cucked
I don't like unwatching my threads, deal with it in PMs next time
Bhosdike op

Two retards derailed my thread

Nobody gives a shit

War is cucked
Blindly being patriotic is cucked
Blindly being religious is cucked
Arguing about this shit is cucked
What are u doing on .org then

Muh i killed brahminboss

Dalitboss child molester
Vegetarianism was the worst time period for my health, I don't recommend it to be honest.

Although it did help me recognize how good meat is in a diet, so I guess that was beneficial
Two retards derailed my thread

Nobody gives a shit

War is cucked
Blindly being patriotic is cucked
Blindly being religious is cucked
Arguing about this shit is cucked