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Good evening lads, new member here.


New member
Jul 5, 2023
Hello everyone it’s a pleasure being here. I’m 19 years old and am 5’7. My height is likely my biggest flaw and am definitely looking forward to learning the most about heightmaxxing. I’m familiar with mpmd and have been mewing for a while. Sadly, I’ve recently noticed my hairline is receding so I’ve started dermrolling and just got on minoxidil today. Going to go on glendymicin retinae for the acne soon aswell. If you have suggestions please help me out, thank you.


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u need Finasteride not minoxidil. minoxidil adds hair and finasteride prevents hairloss. for acne and heightmaxxing u need good diet and not chemicals on ur face cuz too many chemicals decrease testosterone. high fat high protein low carbs is a good diet. also about height u can try stretching if u have shitty posture if not it doesnt help. u can put stuff in ur shoes to appear taller and check the doctor to see if ur growth plates are closed cuz if they are closed its over cuz u cant get any taller. Typically, girls' growth plates close when they're about 14-15 years old on average. Boys' growth plates close by around the time they turn 16-17 on average. according to a website
Finasteride, AKA Propecia, does not lower testosterone but acts by decreasing the levels of circulating dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which decreases by about 70%. Free testosterone in circulation is actually increased, usually by about 10-20%. i wrote this incase u wondered
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u need Finasteride not minoxidil. minoxidil adds hair and finasteride prevents hairloss. for acne and heightmaxxing u need good diet and not chemicals on ur face cuz too many chemicals decrease testosterone. high fat high protein low carbs is a good diet. also about height u can try stretching if u have shitty posture if not it doesnt help. u can put stuff in ur shoes to appear taller and check the doctor to see if ur growth plates are closed cuz if they are closed its over cuz u cant get any taller. Typically, girls' growth plates close when they're about 14-15 years old on average. Boys' growth plates close by around the time they turn 16-17 on average. according to a website
Hey man thanks for the reply. Good to see someone will help out this thread or maybe this whole forum seems to not be excruciatingly active. As far as finasteride goes the side effects scare me. I’ve seen on balding individuals that a derma roller and minoxidil beats the loss caused by dht. I will also buy dht blocking his nizoral shampoo and may hop on some other regarding dht blockinf. As for height maxing thanks for advice will definitely try. I’m 19 though so it’s likely my growth plates are closed.

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