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Good News

yes great new bro you lucky tbh I was 10-11 when I started puberty probably why I'm only 5ft3 and have great beard density plus genetic but anyways yeah not 6ft6 but mb 6ft1-6ft3 range
My bone age came in as young, I have more years to grow.
I'm 5,10 and my dad is 6,6 hopefully i'll catch up.
Does this mean my slightly narrow lower third has a chance to grow?
depending on how tall your mom is and how tall her uncles are. People underestimate the importance of female height in children. I'm 5'9 almost with 4'11 mom and 5'2 dad, 4'11 mom had 5'7-5'10 uncles too
My ex is 4’11 and her dad 6’5, as long as ur mothers height is decent
depending on how tall your mom is and how tall her uncles are. People underestimate the importance of female height in children. I'm 5'9 almost with 4'11 mom and 5'2 dad, 4'11 mom had 5'7-5'10 uncles too
mom is 5,3 her brother is 5,10
I see, not bad at all. hoping for the best
HOWEVER, this range can also be different if your mother and uncle lived during a period of starvation and famine so they werent able to grow more. So you can easily reach within 6'0+ range with that
HOWEVER, this range can also be different if your mother and uncle lived during a period of starvation and famine so they werent able to grow more. So you can easily reach within 6'0+ range with that
they lived in a third world country, but they had money so maybe it's just the diet wasn't refined. i agree with you plus including my dads height