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Got my endocrinological test diagnosis

Buddy Boyo

LGBTQP+ supporter
Jul 24, 2019
Neoples Buttcunt
Testicle volume: 6,9ml on the left and 8,6ml on the Right testicle

(average testicle volume for a grown man is 20-25ml)

a gynecomastia with a Diameter of 8cm (a gynecomstia with a Diameter of 4cm is already considered as EXTREMELY large)

Doctor said that my testicles are quite very small but it's still ok

Every 10 year old Boy has larger testicles than me

im not even able to properly produce sperm (my sperm Count is almost Zero)

ive asked my doc previously for HCG and aromasin

he simply said "Ive never heard of that stuff, you're reading too much"

But i guess it's just all in my head, that toxic masculinity has infected me.

Real men who are not misogynistic are infertile!

i gonna wear now a Minirock and prepare some meals for tyrone after he destroyed my wife's asshole :soy:

Maybe he will even allow me to use my credit Card to buy a new Ration of soylent

they have this new rotten-cum-roast taste
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i dont have sperm

How dare you to complain that you dont have sperm???

stop being such a misogynistic patriarchal creep!

Real men dont have sperm! And they shoulder never complain about

now go donate your kidneys to a womens Rights foundation you disgusting patriarchal toxic inkel
How dare to complain that you dont have sperm???

stop being such a misogynistic patriarchal creep!

Real men dont have sperm! And they shoulder never complain about

now go donate your kidneys to a womens Rights donation you disgusting patriarchal toxic inkel
what a fucking druggie steroid abusing pig

what's that mrs. shekelbitch? you want to become a man? i prescribe you 1g of testosterone and 100mg of exemestane daily
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