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JFL Got posted and called ugly on .org

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  • #105
guys isn’t this a different person they just have similar usernames
no it's the same guy. Click on thread he says "I got eviscerated on .com" implying that its him
Yes those are about the two worst things you can be in a incel dominated space. :ROFLMAO:
Only way you could fit in is if you are EXTREMELY self hating, even then you'd still get massacred. Gotta have a strong mindset for that type of shit.
Worst is indian
I admit looks matter but only to an extent, in reality outside of this forum nobody cares how you look they mostly care about your personality. Keep working on your glow up but don't let him put you down hes just a random boy on the internet. Looks dont define your worth entirely so even if you work on glowing up dont only focus on your face. Your young and have a life to enjoy besides all this looksmaxxing shit
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