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Grow taller and stronger through bioenergetics.


a guy doing his thing
Jan 1, 2024
Buenos Aires
The best way to stimulate overall human growth is supporting energy metabolism.

When your body is adequately nourished, tissue growth and repair is supported, and this is especially the case in the bones.

With inadequate nourishment, energy production becomes impaired and this is what causes weak bones, stunted height growth, poor muscle development, deformities and low vitality.

I’ve mentioned before that I think some obscure physical symptoms of hypothyroidism are:

-small wrists
-knock knees
-facial puffiness
-facial asymmetry


All of this can be improved upon no matter the age by improving metabolism.

That being said, I still believe nature comes before nurture. In other words, the physical characteristics you inherit are then regulated by the energy flowing through you.

Consuming adequate protein (from red meat, gelatin, seafood, eggs, dairy) and carbohydrates (from simple sugars like fruit, juice, raw honey, maple syrup and table sugar) is crucial to proper development.


Also, adequate calcium intake (~2 grams daily) is by far one of the most profound factors for supporting growth/repair, bone development, and overall vitality.

Milk and cheese are rich sources of calcium and provide a well balanced source of macro and micronutrients as well as hormones such as thyroid, progesterone and testosterone that support bone development and muscle growth.

If a person doesn’t tolerate any forms of dairy, eggshell powder can be a source of calcium. (one eggshell is about ~2 grams)

I personally notice that increasing my calcium intake gives me a significant sense of wellbeing and resilience.

Additionally, vitamin D supports calcium absorption and vitamin K increases calcium deposition into the bones.

5,000-10,000IU of vitamin D3 and 2-15mg vitamin K2 MK4 is relatively safe and can be taken daily if a person noticed benefit.

Thyroid supports development by helping to produce pregnenolone, progesterone, DHEA and carbon dioxide which all support muscle growth and bone development by reinforcing metabolism.

Estrogen is known to inhibit bone development so lowering estrogen with things such as aspirin, vitamin E, and carrot salad could be beneficial. I included more in my post on estrogen.

Light particularly from the sun (or red light bulbs) can be another useful way to stimulate development by supporting mitochondrial function.

Getting morning sunlight, sunlight throughout the day and minimizing blue light is huge.

Heavy lifting such as HIT training, olympic lifting, or more standard forms of weight lifting such as HIIT of course support muscle growth but also help a person grow taller as long as volume is kept on the lower end and recovery is supported. The same applies to high intensity short duration cardio.

Getting enough sleep (8 hours or more) allows the body to perform adequate growth and repair. Sleep is a high energy activity and as I've said before, if your day is not generative, your sleep will not be restorative. Waking up and going to bed at the same time is an extremely underrated practice for supporting sleep quality.

Most of you may know how much I talk about gelatin already as it contains anti-inflammatory amino acids such as glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline which facilitate growth and development.
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if there was a height maxxing category this thread should go all
