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Discussion GTFIH if you joined for looksmaxxing

Looksmaxxing doesn’t even work in most cases. Only thing is getting lean tbh
Looksmaxxing doesn’t even work in most cases. Only thing is getting lean tbh
Plus softmaxxing. Eyebrows. Better hair. Skin. No point in having good bones if your skin is ass.
Take the Ramirez pill.
He had worse skin than what was presented and when it's exposed it shows very well. Also of course bad skin isn't the end all be all. We are talking about refining. That's the point of looksmaxxing. Refining. Improving.
He got away with horrible skin quality and hygiene, but amazing bone mass.
The one person who could does not mean it applies to anyone else. He would look better if he wasn't a meth addict. Looksmaxxing is about improving. Compare with yourself only and all makes sense. The goldpill is to remind you. Your self is the only person you should focus on beating progressively. Don't compare yourself to someone else who is not you and has their own strengths and weakness.
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