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Guide Guide to rating women


emeraldglass on
Jan 21, 2024
Western Europe - Moroccan Muslim

This is my personal guide to help you more easily and precisely rate women. It consists of seven key factors that determine a woman’s looks, with breakdowns and examples of women for each factor.

I made one earlier on for the male version. Feel free to check it out via the link below.

Let's dive in

1. Facial Harmony

General Definition:
Facial harmony refers to the proportions and alignment of a woman's facial features that create a balanced appearance.

Factors Defining Facial Harmony:

Facial Thirds: Ideally, each third of the face should be around 33%. A slightly smaller lower third is acceptable.

Symmetry: Models often have some asymmetry; if it’s not overly noticeable, it won’t significantly affect the score. However, noticeable asymmetry in the eyes, nose, and mouth is a bigger problem because our eyes are drawn to that region faster.

Mid-Face Ratio: An ideal ratio between 0.97 and 1.07 is preferred; longer faces will appear less attractive.

FWHR (Facial Width to Height Ratio): A ratio above 1.85 is optimal; lower ratios indicate longer faces, which are less desirable.

Bitemporal Width: The forehead should be about as wide as the jaw; a large forehead tapering to a narrow jaw is unattractive.

Dimorphism: This indicates how feminine a woman's face is and is crucial for harmony.




2. Eye Area

Dark, dense, and moderately thick eyebrows are indicators of health. Lower medium set brows balance facial proportions; overly low brows will appear masculine. A positive brow tilt is preferred.

Eye Spacing: Eyes should have an interpupillary distance of 45-48% of facial width; eyes spaced one eye width apart is ideal.

Eye Shape: Women generally have wider, less vertically narrow eyes. A sharp medial canthus is attractive.

Canthal Tilt: An ideal tilt is between 5-8.5 degrees; slightly positively tilted eyes are preferred.

Extras: Sufficient bone mass near the eyes prevents dark circles and eye bags.




3. Jaw

Should not be recessed or overly protruding; excess body fat will mask jaw definition.

Ramus: A developed and reasonably long ramus is ideal.

Jaw Angle: The ideal gonial angle is between 116-126 degrees; angles above 130 degrees are less attractive.

Bigonial Width: Jaw width should be 82-91% of cheekbone width.

Chin: Should harmonize with the face, being proportionate in size.

Jaw Frontal Angle: Ideal angle is between 84-97 degrees.




4. Lips

Lip Size:
Fuller lips are desirable; the upper lip should protrude slightly past the lower lip.

Lip Shape: A uniform, straight lip shape is preferred. A noticeable cupids bow is highly attractive.

Lip Width: Lips should be wider than the nose, ideally 1.5-1.7 times wider.

Lip Health: Healthy lips are red and free of damage.




5. Nose

Nasofrontal Angle:
Ideal angles are between 120-135 degrees.

Nasolabial Angle: Ranges from 96-117 degrees; smaller angles appear more masculine.

Nose Shape: A slimmer bridge tapering to a wider base is favored.

Extras: Nostrils should not be bulbous or asymmetrical.





6. Cheekbones

High cheekbones are universally attractive; low set cheekbones can lead to a melting face look.

Prominence: Women generally have more prominent zygomatic bones than men. Good prominence is favorable.

Distinguishing Features: High set cheekbones exhibit a pronounced ogee curve.

I reached the limit of 20 pictures per post so I can't insert any more visual examples. So see post under this thread for Illustrative examples of the terminology used.

Good cheekbones: Sui He, Monica Bellucci
Bad cheekbones: Selena Gomez, Cardi B

7. Skin, Hair, and Health

Clear, healthy skin is verym important; blemishes and uneven tone detract from attractiveness.

Eye Health: The sclera should be white and healthy.

Hair: Dense hair with minimal thinning is ideal. Studies suggest a preference for brunette hair in women.

Everything specified here is not the be all and end all. A woman can still have only a few good features and be considered attractive. Beauty is still largely subjective.

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Facial Thirds: Ideally, each third of the face should be around 33%. A slightly smaller lower third is acceptable.
also a smaller forehead
Jawline: Should not be recessed or overly protruding; excess body fat will mask jaw definition.

Ramus: A developed and reasonably long ramus is ideal.

Jaw Angle: The ideal gonial angle is between 116-126 degrees; angles above 130 degrees are less attractive.
they can get away with being recessed cuz it will look cute
obv for psl, recession is bad even for women, but they have more flexibility
long ramus and smaller jaw angle is a more masculine feature but still attractive on women
Bitemporal Width: The forehead should be about as wide as the jaw; a large forehead tapering to a narrow jaw is unattractive.
id debate that there is significantly more flexiblity for gonial angle to be attractive (going towards the higher end), women and trannies alike get surgeries to get v shaped jaws and also to increase gonial angles

either way there is significantly more flexibility in these terms due to the fact that they are women. feminine and masculine will look good on them (weak looking vs sexy looking)
this guide is better moreso for measuring stacyness rather than for beckies
otherwise very good thread saar
if you dont mind me asking, what sources did you use? i wrote a ratio measurement thread in the past and im comparing
if youre wondering its this one:📏📐-megathread.12920/

prime stealing material, dont get your thread stolen by that nero angelo f*g, he stole mine as well in the past jfl
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  • #14
also a smaller forehead

they can get away with being recessed cuz it will look cute
obv for psl, recession is bad even for women, but they have more flexibility
long ramus and smaller jaw angle is a more masculine feature but still attractive on women

id debate that there is significantly more flexiblity for gonial angle to be attractive (going towards the higher end), women and trannies alike get surgeries to get v shaped jaws and also to increase gonial angles

either way there is significantly more flexibility in these terms due to the fact that they are women. feminine and masculine will look good on them (weak looking vs sexy looking)
this guide is better moreso for measuring stacyness rather than for beckies
otherwise very good thread saar
if you dont mind me asking, what sources did you use? i wrote a ratio measurement thread in the past and im comparing
if youre wondering its this one:📏📐-megathread.12920/

prime stealing material, dont get your thread stolen by that nero angelo f*g, he stole mine as well in the past jfl
Agreed, women have a lot of flexibility. I’d say the most important factors for them are dimorphism and the T-zone (eyes, nose, mouth). I’ve based my view on online sources and a few studies. As for Nero how did you know the fucker stole from you?
Agreed, women have a lot of flexibility. I’d say the most important factors for them are dimorphism and the T-zone (eyes, nose, mouth). I’ve based my view on online sources and a few studies. As for Nero how did you know the fucker stole from you?
I hopped on yt the next day and saw it on my fyp. I dont even know how, ive never watched nero angelo b4 on this account cuz his videos are normie shit
Then I checked his channel and he copied 2 threads of mine, one of them was an older one
So i reported him and it got taken down
I checked and lots of his other vids were copy and pasted from here, and org
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #16
I hopped on yt the next day and saw it on my fyp. I dont even know how, ive never watched nero angelo b4 on this account cuz his videos are normie shit
Then I checked his channel and he copied 2 threads of mine, one of them was an older one
So i reported him and it got taken down
I checked and lots of his other vids were copy and pasted from here, and org
Brutal. So many YouTubers and TikTokers just rip content straight from these forums without any credit. It's fucked up, man.

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