First time posting here, honestly forgot I had a account and that's pretty bad, should've taken advantage of this great web earlier. So to start! I am 17 soon to be 18, but that's not the point. I really want to start going to gym, better looks is one of the reasons of course like to get lean but I'd also like to better my mental health and something new and fun to focus on and occupy myself on. I don't have a horrible build but one could say I'm skinny, I weight about a steady 132 LBS and I'm about 5'6. I've tried going to the gym before but honestly I have not been able to stay consistent and find a good routine to follow. I've been told to just stick to cardio and calisthenics but I would like to try some lifting and see how that goes. I'm just posting here to see what type of advice and help I could get. Thank you!