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Discussion Gym maxxing made me half an inch taller!


Established Member
Jul 4, 2019
So basically 7 years ago I had a doctors appointment and they tested my height barefoot. I was 180.86 cm in the morning no shoes. Well just recently I had my height tested exact same conditions and I'm 181.90 centimeters exactly. That's nearly half an inch or more taller. Same time. Same conditions. I'm way past my growing age so it's not purbety or anything like that

My only conclusion here is through igf1 Increase and refusal to consume AI this increased my spinal height with thicker disks. That plus my bulking with slightly higher than avg estrogen. With shoes this puts at almost 6'1 and that is just insane to think about.

As for anything i did I used to do alot of weighted dead hangs and spinal Inversion therapy but this at most made it where I didn't shrink at night and not increase my total height. So it's either I grew somehow or I didn't test myself right. I'm trying to not cope and use rational conclusions but based on what I know about steroids and igf1 and people who experience rapid weight gain like I did. Im pretty certain I got the whole spinal height increase some guys get under 25. Im 27 right now for reference..

So yeah just an experience I thought I'd share and maybe give hope to others who think you can't gain any height past 20.

Just to show how dramatic of a difference I am from now to back then also in width Picsart_24-06-26_20-44-07-351.jpgPicsart_24-06-26_20-59-40-461.jpg
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what did you do for your shoulders man
I talk about this alot in my discord but basically steeve Reeves training method for clavical growth and hyperplasia which is weighted stretching to increase muscles density which ends up doubling the muscles fibers which means larger growth when you try to grow them bigger. I do this in cycles basically. You gotta stop training for strength and focus alot on the pump and total muscle failure with lighter weights for a whole month then you sorta break for awhile and then go back go to training for size. It's worked really really well. I'm bulking but the results are just insane and once I cut again I'll go back to my insane asethics facially. Even here you can see when I looksmaxxed but my frame is just OK and it grew alot since my time in florida in 20221000002167.jpg
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HOLY SHIT, MIRIN f*****g HARD THE FRAME ASCENSION :love::love::love:
I talk about this alot in my discord but basically steeve Reeves training method for clavical growth and hyperplasia which is weighted stretching to increase muscles density which ends up doubling the muscles fibers which means larger growth when you try to grow them bigger. I do this in cycles basically. You gotta stop training for strength and focus alot on the pump and total muscle failure with lighter weights for a whole month then you sorta break for awhile and then go back go to training for size. It's worked really really well. I'm bulking but the results are just insane and once I cut again I'll go back to my insane asethics facially. Even here you can see when I looksmaxxed but my frame is just OK and it grew alot since my time in florida in 2022View attachment 32489
mirin so hard man, lifefuel for my 16 inch bidelt
I talk about this alot in my discord but basically steeve Reeves training method for clavical growth and hyperplasia which is weighted stretching to increase muscles density which ends up doubling the muscles fibers which means larger growth when you try to grow them bigger. I do this in cycles basically. You gotta stop training for strength and focus alot on the pump and total muscle failure with lighter weights for a whole month then you sorta break for awhile and then go back go to training for size. It's worked really really well. I'm bulking but the results are just insane and once I cut again I'll go back to my insane asethics facially. Even here you can see when I looksmaxxed but my frame is just OK and it grew alot since my time in florida in 2022View attachment 32489
Clavicles grow till 25
I personally think extended stress caused by pressure can increase the size and density of the cartilage and synovium in your spine and joints because they adapt to the pressure overtime., also you can increase the fat pad on your heel for a 0.5 to 1cm extra gain (maybe).
So basically 7 years ago I had a doctors appointment and they tested my height barefoot. I was 180.86 cm in the morning no shoes. Well just recently I had my height tested exact same conditions and I'm 181.90 centimeters exactly. That's nearly half an inch or more taller. Same time. Same conditions. I'm way past my growing age so it's not purbety or anything like that

My only conclusion here is through igf1 Increase and refusal to consume AI this increased my spinal height with thicker disks. That plus my bulking with slightly higher than avg estrogen. With shoes this puts at almost 6'1 and that is just insane to think about.

As for anything i did I used to do alot of weighted dead hangs and spinal Inversion therapy but this at most made it where I didn't shrink at night and not increase my total height. So it's either I grew somehow or I didn't test myself right. I'm trying to not cope and use rational conclusions but based on what I know about steroids and igf1 and people who experience rapid weight gain like I did. Im pretty certain I got the whole spinal height increase some guys get under 25. Im 27 right now for reference..

So yeah just an experience I thought I'd share and maybe give hope to others who think you can't gain any height past 20.

Just to show how dramatic of a difference I am from now to back then also in width View attachment 32487View attachment 32488
Have you tried glucamosine for keeping morning height? I lose like 2 cm in the afternoon i swear, don't have the money for it tho
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Have you tried glucamosine for keeping morning height? I lose like 2 cm in the afternoon i swear, don't have the money for it tho
Yes I used to but it at most helped my height stay. Which isn't a bad thing tbh. I might add it back in my diet

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