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Half Asians looks even more Asian after waking up

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  • #7
just wondering, cause didnt u refer to urself as an incel or something (i might be wrong)? you look normal, far from an incel
I have the body of a kid, am small, and look worse as time passes and my face stop being as in the photo
I have the body of a kid, am small, and look worse as time passes and my face stop being as in the photo
tbh having the body of a kid being your worst problem is common and you can go to the gym, at least you dont need invasive surgeries or actually scare people away with your face, that is what i would imagine an incel to look like
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #9
tbh having the body of a kid being your worst problem is common and you can go to the gym, at least you dont need invasive surgeries or actually scare people away with your face, that is what i would imagine an incel to look like
not an incel, a sub five

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