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Hardmaxxing orbital/eye area surgery


Aug 10, 2024
Just saw this guy called ZETA on tiktok and he is a top 5 psl god to me but he might have done surgery for this insane eye area, i would go for it to if it can make that good of a result, is it hard to find a place to do it is it worth it? Any more info
Just saw this guy called ZETA on tiktok and he is a top 5 psl god to me but he might have done surgery for this insane eye area, i would go for it to if it can make that good of a result, is it hard to find a place to do it is it worth it? Any more info
Getting surgery for eye area is usually a big risk, especially if you already have healthy eyes. I have thought about it before because of how hooded my eyelids are, but there are always people complaining about how high of a risk it is, with there being a lot of pain and etc..

But if you feel like you should get surgery for it, you could do it. It's your choice. I just wouldn't recommend it unless you have problems with your eyes, such as bulging.
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Getting surgery for eye area is usually a big risk, especially if you already have healthy eyes. I have thought about it before because of how hooded my eyelids are, but there are always people complaining about how high of a risk it is, with there being a lot of pain and etc..

But if you feel like you should get surgery for it, you could do it. It's your choice. I just wouldn't recommend it unless you have problems with your eyes, such as bulging.
They are kind of bulging, people have pointed out how open they look comparing them to garry from spongebob💀
They are kind of bulging, people have pointed out how open they look comparing them to garry from spongebob💀
OMG bro, you might need to get surgery at this point. Garry from SpongeBob is an out of pocket comparison lol.

I have sort of bulging eyes but they are usually seen as, "cute" or "adorable" since I'm a girl and also young. But I would understand how, for guys, it would be better for them to get surgery for their bulging eyes.
I think he got orbital implants and on top of that wears contacts. DO NOT GET IMPLANTS IT WILL MAKE YOU LOOK UNCANNY. Zeta may be high psl and striking but not high appeal.
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I think he got orbital implants and on top of that wears contacts. DO NOT GET IMPLANTS IT WILL MAKE YOU LOOK UNCANNY. Zeta may be high psl and striking but not high appeal.
Doesnt metter to me i just want to ascend i hate my life atm

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