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Discussion Has eyelid stretching for hunter eyes worked for anyone?


New member
Dec 19, 2023
I've been researching hunter eyes and how to get them and I read about "eyelid stretching" which is where you pull/stretch the skin under your eyebrow/above your eye to stretch a little fold or "hood" of tissue over the top of your eyes like what's seen with hunter eyes. Has anyone ever tried this and documented it? Does it work? Will the stretched tissue look white and scarred like what's seen with stretch marks?
I've been researching hunter eyes and how to get them and I read about "eyelid stretching" which is where you pull/stretch the skin under your eyebrow/above your eye to stretch a little fold or "hood" of tissue over the top of your eyes like what's seen with hunter eyes. Has anyone ever tried this and documented it? Does it work? Will the stretched tissue look white and scarred like what's seen with stretch marks?
hunter eyes are purely genetic it would only make you have little UEE only other way is surgery
I've been researching hunter eyes and how to get them and I read about "eyelid stretching" which is where you pull/stretch the skin under your eyebrow/above your eye to stretch a little fold or "hood" of tissue over the top of your eyes like what's seen with hunter eyes. Has anyone ever tried this and documented it? Does it work? Will the stretched tissue look white and scarred like what's seen with stretch marks?
tape your eyes
I've been researching hunter eyes and how to get them and I read about "eyelid stretching" which is where you pull/stretch the skin under your eyebrow/above your eye to stretch a little fold or "hood" of tissue over the top of your eyes like what's seen with hunter eyes. Has anyone ever tried this and documented it? Does it work? Will the stretched tissue look white and scarred like what's seen with stretch marks?
Worked wonders for me (before and after)

but hes asking if he would get hunter eyes if he did that not decreasing UEE
I think you misreadbut anyways, obviously it won't give you hunter eyes, that has a lot to do with other stuff but I feel i definitely look better and have more hooded eyes now
I think you misreadbut anyways, obviously it won't give you hunter eyes, that has a lot to do with other stuff but I feel i definitely look better and have more hooded eyes now
so your point is saying it works but just not giving you hunter eyes?

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