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Height advice


New member
Jun 23, 2024
I am currently 15m and about 5"4/5"5. Father is 5"10 and mother is 5"4 and would ideally like to see myself grow to 5"10/5"11. I am open to any supplements or things such as that and am looking to get onto hgh before it is too late. I am still young which is great, but what advice other than sleep and exercise can I get, and where could I expect to grow too with this advice.
I am currently 15m and about 5"4/5"5. Father is 5"10 and mother is 5"4 and would ideally like to see myself grow to 5"10/5"11. I am open to any supplements or things such as that and am looking to get onto hgh before it is too late. I am still young which is great, but what advice other than sleep and exercise can I get, and where could I expect to grow too with this advice.
99% genetics and the rest is cope
Yes it is tbh. Sleep and protein and eating sugar and dairy may play some role but it’s not super large role
Yeah but not 99 percent.

I grew way past both of my parents. They are both 160ish cm and I am 181cm barefoot. Just from better living condition

Average height in my nation is also 165cm but all the kids from private schools are taller than those from public schools due to better living conditions, diet etc.

Most people go about it wrong though.

Maximum height and what range you will grow into is determined by genes, you can influence to a certain extent wether you end up on the higher end of the range or lower end with

1) Pharmacological interventions
2) Proper diet throughout childhood and adolescence
3) Proper living conditions, prevent getting sick as a child etc.
4) Activity levels, being extremely overweight or extremely underweight doesn't mean you will just lose just half a cm because 99 percent genetics
Yeah but not 99 percent.

I grew way past both of my parents. They are both 160ish cm and I am 181cm barefoot. Just from better living condition

Average height in my nation is also 165cm but all the kids from private schools are taller than those from public schools due to better living conditions, diet etc.

Most people go about it wrong though.

Maximum height and what range you will grow into is determined by genes, you can influence to a certain extent wether you end up on the higher end of the range or lower end with

1) Pharmacological interventions
2) Proper diet throughout childhood and adolescence
3) Proper living conditions, prevent getting sick as a child etc.
4) Activity levels, being extremely overweight or extremely underweight doesn't mean you will just lose just half a cm because 99 percent genetics
Activity level too yea. That’s brutal that what school you go to decides your future height pretty much. I’m glad public schools in my country don’t nerf people’s nutrition
Yeah but not 99 percent.

I grew way past both of my parents. They are both 160ish cm and I am 181cm barefoot. Just from better living condition

Average height in my nation is also 165cm but all the kids from private schools are taller than those from public schools due to better living conditions, diet etc.

Most people go about it wrong though.

Maximum height and what range you will grow into is determined by genes, you can influence to a certain extent wether you end up on the higher end of the range or lower end with

1) Pharmacological interventions
2) Proper diet throughout childhood and adolescence
3) Proper living conditions, prevent getting sick as a child etc.
4) Activity levels, being extremely overweight or extremely underweight doesn't mean you will just lose just half a cm because 99 percent genetics
yes, exactly
my paternal grandparents were both 5'5-5'6
my uncles grew 5'8ish
my father, who drank a liter of milk everyday and exercised often, grew 6'2
same bro
my parents essentially starved me
didnt reach 5 foot until high school
atp i was able to buy my own food so thats when i started growing
I never ate at school, I starved till I got home :pepehands:
I did the same thing and I grew to 6’3. Moms 5’5 and Dads 5’10 so I guess it’s entirely trust RNG.
I am currently 15m and about 5"4/5"5. Father is 5"10 and mother is 5"4 and would ideally like to see myself grow to 5"10/5"11. I am open to any supplements or things such as that and am looking to get onto hgh before it is too late. I am still young which is great, but what advice other than sleep and exercise can I get, and where could I expect to grow too with this advice.
Look at my bmp -7 thread can u try robbing a bank and buying BMP-7 and conducting intra articular shots. Also please lmk how it goes!

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