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Method Height increase method that may be useful to the young ones


Professional Thugmaxxer ( user)
Sep 12, 2024
No this is not the maasai jump. It is a simple 3-4 times a week (with rest days in between) practice/drill. Go to a track or a space of around 70 meters. Sprint as FAST AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN through 70 meters and then walk back each sprint. Do 5 sets of these (5 sprints and then walk back after each one). Apparently (as long as your growth plates are not closed) this will increase your hgh production levels by 700 percent.
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I sprint. didn't grew a single cm heightmaxxing is mostly cope
You must have not done it correctly. All evidence points towards the method
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High impact lower body movements. Hill sprints, and any kind of jumping like jump squats. But you need years to probably reach ~5cm MAX
Bro I know how to sprint... I sprint on GRASS so I'm also grounding while using cope angkle weights for "microfractures"
These tensile forces whilst having microfractures, it can influence bone remodeling, but it’s unlikely to cause significant lengthening in fully developed bone. Cortical bone, which isnt malleable enough and compact, resists deformation.

Theres also some risks to consider

Stress fractures – Overloading bones can lead to injuries instead of controlled remodeling depending on your body.
Muscle and tendon stress– Prolonged tension can overstress soft tissues(Big Part).
Bone discrepencies – Uneven forces might create unintended bone deformities especially if growing(Open Plates).
Osteoarthritis - Overwear of joints via sprinting/ exercises tailored to induce microfractures can really gnaw at the cartilage( Especially if you're doing this every day in order to achieve results).

Also, if it does happen to lengthen, results may or may not be considerable to an extent. Maybe as in mm or possibly 1-1.5 cm over a prolonged period of time.
No this is not the maasai jump. It is a simple 3-4 times a week (with rest days in between) practice/drill. Go to a track or a space of around 70 meters. Sprint as FAST AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN through 70 meters and then walk back each sprint. Do 5 sets of these (5 sprints and then walk back after each one). Apparently (as long as your growth plates are not closed) this will increase your hgh production levels by 700 percent.
and vitamin D, collagen and other nutrients
