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Height Vs Face Debate

Hey guys quick question just thought I'll make this for fun.

Would you rather be a 6'8 ft giant with a big frame but have a sub human face

Or be a 5'4ft guy with 8-9 face but you have shit tier frame
The sweet spot is where I am at 6'0 with a 8/10 face and good frame. That's what most girls don't mind dating. And the preference depends entirely on how tall the girl is. A 5'8 girl will only really consider 6'1+ tall if they want an aesthetically tall boyfriend. Meanwhile 5'2 baddies are chill with 6'0 as long as you have some muscle. (personal experience)
The sweet spot is where I am at 6'0 with a 8/10 face and good frame. That's what most girls don't mind dating. And the preference depends entirely on how tall the girl is. A 5'8 girl will only really consider 6'1+ tall if they want an aesthetically tall boyfriend. Meanwhile 5'2 baddies are chill with 6'0 as long as you have some muscle. (personal experience)
not really, each girl sees guys not in comparison to herself but compares them to how other guys stand to herself, thats why you see short girls wanting rly tall guys, theyre used to being shorter then everyone so average is still average and tall is still tall