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Hello! + Advice, Suggestions (18F)


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2024
Hi there, I’m new! The people here seem pretty nice and helpful so I feel comfortable enough to ask for some advice and suggestions! I’m currently trying to lower my bf% because my cheeks are very bloated. It’s quite high currently and I’m growing out my hair after years of having it super short! I’d appreciate any advice + suggestions at all (hair, makeup, etc), it would help! :) (i apologize in advance for the awkward photos, idk how to take pictures + don’t take them often lol, maybe some advice on taking pics would be nice too)


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  • #3
thank you! i will try and post a side profile later today, i appreciate the rating! :)
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  • #6
U r really pretty !! Have you ever tried using contouring before? That would help to make your appearance look smaller. Also I think they had a forum somewhere on how you are supposed to take pictures but for now here is something that could help u 😊

View attachment 34376
thank you for the feedback!! i’ll be sure to learn how to contour in order to look smaller, i appreciate it :)
Hi there, I’m new! The people here seem pretty nice and helpful so I feel comfortable enough to ask for some advice and suggestions! I’m currently trying to lower my bf% because my cheeks are very bloated. It’s quite high currently and I’m growing out my hair after years of having it super short! I’d appreciate any advice + suggestions at all (hair, makeup, etc), it would help! :) (i apologize in advance for the awkward photos, idk how to take pictures + don’t take them often lol, maybe some advice on taking pics would be nice too)
You don't use makeup right?
Dr Pajeet offers also 10% Minoxidil

It exists
What no way! How I never seen a bottle ever but I heard it's illegal in 91 countries so sorry man even if exist you can't use it sadly
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  • #24
Use Minoxidil for foids 2%
2x a day.
It should work well for females it's 3x growth
But don't put in on face otherwise you gonna get a beard like me
i’ll look into this, i’ve been meaning to get some sort of hair growth thing
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  • #28
I thought of dying my eyelashes black
What do you think of that?
honestly i’m not too sure about that, i’ve only heard of dying eyebrows. i feel like for the eyelashes that it may cause some irritation or something.
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  • #31
How is your body are you working out or anything?
i walk 10k+ steps a day, body weight workouts 5x a week, and weight training 2x a week. i’m eating in a calorie deficit, mostly wholes foods that are high in protein (sometimes i do eat processed foods like protein pancakes and bars) to retain muscle that i have built from originally weight training 4x a week. :)
i walk 10k+ steps a day, body weight workouts 5x a week, and weight training 2x a week. i’m eating in a calorie deficit, mostly wholes foods that are high in protein (sometimes i do eat processed foods like protein pancakes and bars) to retain muscle that i have built from originally weight training 4x a week. :)
Nice body is a gamechanger on females
If she has a nice butt/legs it's a giga huge bonus
I believe that the fat percentage for a woman is between 18% and 22%, as long as your jawline is not harmed, I don't see a problem in maintaining the fat percentage at that level, among women this helps to bring a more youthful and more feminine appearance . You already look pretty softmaxed, I would say to try other hair cuts and sizes, covering your forehead seems to be ideal and maybe darkening your eyelashes to give a more appealing look
Hi there, I’m new! The people here seem pretty nice and helpful so I feel comfortable enough to ask for some advice and suggestions! I’m currently trying to lower my bf% because my cheeks are very bloated. It’s quite high currently and I’m growing out my hair after years of having it super short! I’d appreciate any advice + suggestions at all (hair, makeup, etc), it would help! :) (i apologize in advance for the awkward photos, idk how to take pictures + don’t take them often lol, maybe some advice on taking pics would be nice too)
u need cheekbones and chin
Hi there, I’m new! The people here seem pretty nice and helpful so I feel comfortable enough to ask for some advice and suggestions! I’m currently trying to lower my bf% because my cheeks are very bloated. It’s quite high currently and I’m growing out my hair after years of having it super short! I’d appreciate any advice + suggestions at all (hair, makeup, etc), it would help! :) (i apologize in advance for the awkward photos, idk how to take pictures + don’t take them often lol, maybe some advice on taking pics would be nice too)
You look like Omayra Sánchez Garzón.

Hi there, I’m new! The people here seem pretty nice and helpful so I feel comfortable enough to ask for some advice and suggestions! I’m currently trying to lower my bf% because my cheeks are very bloated. It’s quite high currently and I’m growing out my hair after years of having it super short! I’d appreciate any advice + suggestions at all (hair, makeup, etc), it would help! :) (i apologize in advance for the awkward photos, idk how to take pictures + don’t take them often lol, maybe some advice on taking pics would be nice too)
Straighten that hair out girly bay!
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