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Hello Im Sergio im 18 5,8 and 165 lb what do you think my potential would be when I get older

Or look terrible. 50/50
Only do surgeries with weaponized autistic surgeons like Gigant Implants. Never do one with a bluepilled one or they will change nothing and gaslight that they did. Also, don't do it cheap. Fuck fuck duck
Only do surgeries with weaponized autistic surgeons like Gigant Implants. Never do one with a bluepilled one or they will change nothing and gaslight that they did. Also, don't do it cheap. f**k f**k duck
For real. Although idk how tf they can be blue pilled while doing plastic surgery lmao, most blackpill shit ever
looks right now (7.5/10) you look a bit older than 18, despite that, your potential reaches 8 or 9/10 with the right hairstyle/haircut that could be outgrown and possibly more hollow cheeks. you have a decent eye area, also recommend de puffing the face.
You are very male gazed tbh. These people are delusional giving you 7.5

First of all, you look older than 18. Maybe like 25

Second, your eye area is bad. And eye area is the most important part of the face. Little UEE, but canthal tilt is bad. I’d do a surgery

Physique is great, but not lean enough. Male gazed

I’d say HTN(5.5-6), but if you live in a traditional/religious country like Turkey - you can actually be a 7 or even 7.5. Bulky physique and face are fine there, I believe

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