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Help getting ideas of exercises for framemaxxing


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2024
I have done sports all my life, manly judo and sprint mixed with long cardio, and started doing gym and back exercises at 16 years old (i am currently 20 yo) and the sensation of the back exercises were fantastic. I did saw a more aesthetic change, i think my scapula grew a bit and i am satisfied with my shoulder insertion:

shoulder .jpg

I would have a verry aesthetic upper body because my ribcage increased a lot when i started to gym at 16, so i got some level of v shape between the ribcage and the belly, but maybe because i was so used to wearing a 5 kg backpack to school everyday pluss doing long distance sports, my waist weidth is higher at my butt level and that destroy my v shape.


i have been doing pull ups for a while and i dont think they will really wide my clavicle/shoulder, so i searched for exercise whose vectors would be more to the sides then the pull ups, and i only found this one for now:

Cable Standing Neutral grip Fly (male).jpg

Do you guys have any extra exercises ideas that would help me elongued my clavicle area?

Also, any other recomendation for me in the regard of building frame (muscle, tendoms)?
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  • #2
Also, i dont see how reeves deadlift would increase the size, given that the force is applied down isntead of to the sides
Pull ups for shoulders and cable flies for shoulders? Yikes
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  • #5
Pull ups for shoulders and cable flies for shoulders? Yikes
its not about the muscle of shoulder, but the overall upper frame, to wide the upper body shoulder level
its not about the muscle of shoulder, but the overall upper frame, to wide the upper body shoulder level
But picking a mid back exercise and a chest/front delt excersie will not do what your looking for. Just go to a gym and do a normal workout routine
If you're looking to get a "v taper", you need to prioritize shoulder and upper back training.

Pull ups 3 x a week, overhead press 2 x a week, incline bench 1 x a week, side lateral raises 3 x a week, bent rows 1 x a week.

JFL thinking cable flies will give you a v taper... lol

Looks like you're cursed with a big waist unfortunately.
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  • #8
If you're looking to get a "v taper", you need to prioritize shoulder and upper back training.

Pull ups 3 x a week, overhead press 2 x a week, incline bench 1 x a week, side lateral raises 3 x a week, bent rows 1 x a week.

JFL thinking cable flies will give you a v taper... lol

Looks like you're cursed with a big waist unfortunately.
It is not about mucle, but frame like the first generation of bodybuilders who focussed on expanding the rib cage for example. But thanks for the advice
It is not about mucle, but frame like the first generation of bodybuilders who focussed on expanding the rib cage for example. But thanks for the advice
I can tell you're not a fitness addict, I've never heard of "expanding bone size"
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  • #12
get on HGH
Its illegal in my country and most doctors are feminists bluepill against the use of hormones with the excepetion to the use of 40 years women
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  • #13
I can tell you're not a fitness addict, I've never heard of "expanding bone size"
I can tell you are ignorant because you never heard of expanding bone size and because you dont know 10% of what i have achieved by my fucking 15 years old, because if you did know of any of those things, you would not have made the mistake of thinking that i am a noob with less experience and knowledge then you
Its illegal in my country and most doctors are feminists bluepill against the use of hormones with the excepetion to the use of 40 years women
it’s illegal in the US too but you can still easily buy it online

get pharma HGH online if you can, I don’t know if the sources will ship to your country but it doesn’t hurt to look

best of luck
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  • #15
it’s illegal in the US too but you can still easily buy it online

get pharma HGH online if you can, I don’t know if the sources will ship to your country but it doesn’t hurt to look

best of luck
already research it but my algorithm only show places where prescription is needed. Could you sen m a link?
already research it but my algorithm only show places where prescription is needed. Could you sen m a link?
use a proxy, I personally use the startpage browser because it’s free and less ads then google
@Wilk The Reeves deadlift helps the scapula plane and when done correctly. It's using the back the most. The forces it requires Will expand the frame. Do dumb bell pull overs with deep deep Depp breathing when in the stretched position. If you feel poping it's working. * don't feel too much pain but a little is ok. Try not to pass out doing it. Do wide wide gripped pull ups. Do lots of laterial raise work with deep stretched position cable laterals and hold the resistance of the stretch. Do deadlifts and overheads. The hardest workouts on the body tend to do the most widening as they load the bones very hard. The pullovers are very important though. It will give you a big ribcage like superman.
I can tell you are ignorant because you never heard of expanding bone size and because you dont know 10% of what i have achieved by my f*****g 15 years old, because if you did know of any of those things, you would not have made the mistake of thinking that i am a noob with less experience and knowledge then you
You don't even look like you even strength train... If you added a bunch of muscle in the right places and got a tan you would look way better, obviously if you train your muscles your bone density will increase, but your shoulders are not your rib cage and I've never heard of expanding your shoulder bones.
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  • #22
@Wilk The Reeves deadlift helps the scapula plane and when done correctly. It's using the back the most. The forces it requires Will expand the frame. Do dumb bell pull overs with deep deep Depp breathing when in the stretched position. If you feel poping it's working. * don't feel too much pain but a little is ok. Try not to pass out doing it. Do wide wide gripped pull ups. Do lots of laterial raise work with deep stretched position cable laterals and hold the resistance of the stretch. Do deadlifts and overheads. The hardest workouts on the body tend to do the most widening as they load the bones very hard. The pullovers are very important though. It will give you a big ribcage like superman.
I shall follow those with consistency
@Wilk The Reeves deadlift helps the scapula plane and when done correctly. It's using the back the most. The forces it requires Will expand the frame. Do dumb bell pull overs with deep deep Depp breathing when in the stretched position. If you feel poping it's working. * don't feel too much pain but a little is ok. Try not to pass out doing it. Do wide wide gripped pull ups. Do lots of laterial raise work with deep stretched position cable laterals and hold the resistance of the stretch. Do deadlifts and overheads. The hardest workouts on the body tend to do the most widening as they load the bones very hard. The pullovers are very important though. It will give you a big ribcage like superman.
Thank you

i’ll do these + HGH and with any luck I’ll get similar results
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  • #25
You don't even look like you even strength train... If you added a bunch of muscle in the right places and got a tan you would look way better, obviously if you train your muscles your bone density will increase, but your shoulders are not your rib cage and I've never heard of expanding your shoulder bones.
I am literally a ex athlete with literally dozens of podium medals in swimming, judo, kickboxing, long running, archery, parkour, karate and some others that i dont remember. I am also the sun of a athlete formed in physical education - not the superficial coach of unites states. Yes, i do know more then you and i think i also have achieved and done more sports then you ever did in your entire life.

Did you knew that fitness people dont have to look like bodybuilders? That every sport have their own body? No, you fucking didn't, because you just wasn't ignorant to not know that, you also had to go the extra step by thinking you are superior and that i am inferior because i as speaking of something you didn't know and that should be impossible to you. Cry stupid old men, cry a lot for you wasn't just ignorant, but also stupid.
I am literally a ex athlete with literally dozens of podium medals in swimming, judo, kickboxing, long running, archery, parkour, karate and some others that i dont remember. I am also the sun of a athlete formed in physical education - not the superficial coach of unites states. Yes, i do know more then you and i think i also have achieved and done more sports then you ever did in your entire life.

Did you knew that fitness people dont have to look like bodybuilders? That every sport have their own body? No, you f*****g didn't, because you just wasn't ignorant to not know that, you also had to go the extra step by thinking you are superior and that i am inferior because i as speaking of something you didn't know and that should be impossible to you. Cry stupid old men, cry a lot for you wasn't just ignorant, but also stupid.
15 years old and already retired from sports? you're doing it wrong I'm afraid...
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  • #28
15 years old and already retired from sports? you're doing it wrong I'm afraid...
*20, and yeah, i did retire, and i have more medals then you will ever achieve in your entire life, looser
*20, and yeah, i did retire, and i have more medals then you will ever achieve in your entire life, looser
The word you're looking for is "loser".

And I'm sure you had very supportive parents who carried you the whole way, not all of us have good parents unfortunately.
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  • #30
The word you're looking for is "loser".

And I'm sure you had very supportive parents who carried you the whole way, not all of us have good parents unfortunately.
Yes, my single mother supported me and that allowed me to get more knowledge and experience in that area then you. Exactly. Thats the point.
Yes, my single mother supported me and that allowed me to get more knowledge and experience in that area then you. Exactly. Thats the point.
Congratulations, and I'm sure your mother loved you very much, not all of us had that luxury.

You're obviously doing something wrong if you're 20 years old and look like that.
I have done sports all my life, manly judo and sprint mixed with long cardio, and started doing gym and back exercises at 16 years old (i am currently 20 yo) and the sensation of the back exercises were fantastic. I did saw a more aesthetic change, i think my scapula grew a bit and i am satisfied with my shoulder insertion:

View attachment 33507

I would have a verry aesthetic upper body because my ribcage increased a lot when i started to gym at 16, so i got some level of v shape between the ribcage and the belly, but maybe because i was so used to wearing a 5 kg backpack to school everyday pluss doing long distance sports, my waist weidth is higher at my butt level and that destroy my v shape.

View attachment 33508

i have been doing pull ups for a while and i dont think they will really wide my clavicle/shoulder, so i searched for exercise whose vectors would be more to the sides then the pull ups, and i only found this one for now:

View attachment 33509

Do you guys have any extra exercises ideas that would help me elongued my clavicle area?

Also, any other recomendation for me in the regard of building frame (muscle, tendoms)?
Heightquest on instagram has a spiralforces highlight posts where theres legit good exercises that can target the arms, chest, spine, scapula and clavicles via spiral forces, I'm sure theres more ways to possibly widen the frame but chatgpt can help you from there.
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  • #34
Heightquest on instagram has a spiralforces highlight posts where theres legit good exercises that can target the arms, chest, spine, scapula and clavicles via spiral forces, I'm sure theres more ways to possibly widen the frame but chatgpt can help you from there.
Already had done the chat gpt thing. This insta recommendation looks promising, thanks for the tip!
*20, and yeah, i did retire, and i have more medals then you will ever achieve in your entire life, looser
bro what?
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  • #38
Medals dont mean shit brah
Yeah, i know, but he said earlier that i was unused to exercises and fit life because i spoke of bone expanxion and shit. He assumed that because he know everything about fitness that i was a complete idiot. So i tried to show him that i am, in fact, not a newbie in sports and shit by speaking of my medals. Then, instead of saying ´´ok, you are not a newbie and i may had been arrogant`` he kept trying to alongate the talk and i got more agressive.

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