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Method HELP WITH MK677 🙏🙏🙏


Well-known member
Established Member
Mar 30, 2024
does anyone with experience know what to take with 15 mgs of nutrabol?(ibutamoren)(mk677)i want to make sure i dont experience the side effects like, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. etc.
does anyone with experience know what to take with 15 mgs of nutrabol?(ibutamoren)(mk677)i want to make sure i dont experience the side effects like, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. etc.
at this dosage you likely won't have sides but if you are paranoid look into things like berberine extract
this is baby dosage I used to take like 50 mgs along with a T base of 300mg weekly
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  • #4
at this dosage you likely won't have sides but if you are paranoid look into things like berberine extract
this is baby dosage I used to take like 50 mgs along with a T base of 300mg weekly
Wrd that sounds like a mogger dose
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  • #7
please don't say you are taking this as a stand alone, it will be such a waste of time
I am because im in development and im gonna slowly and swiftly increase my hgh release. Why do u say that?
I am because im in development and im gonna slowly and swiftly increase my hgh release. Why do u say that?
it will not help because you are still at a physiological dose and the dose response needed to surpass the threshold to gain significant benefit from mk is too high for mk to acheive as a stand alone compound
answer dm please
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  • #9
it will not help because you are still at a physiological dose and the dose response needed to surpass the threshold to gain significant benefit from mk is too high for mk to acheive as a stand alone compound
answer dm please
Bruh increase in hgh = increase in bonemass/ development am i wrong? Also what do u suggest and why
Bruh increase in hgh = increase in bonemass/ development am i wrong? Also what do u suggest and why
Dosage is insufficient, the increase in HGH will not be supraphysiological and even if it was you would be capped by genetically encoded safeguards and blockades. Your only hope would be some theoretical way of using topical gene therapy to reprogram the resident stem cell niche in the epiphyseal plate to an early developmental stage via Yamanaka factors Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, Klf4
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  • #11
Dosage is insufficient, the increase in HGH will not be supraphysiological and even if it was you would be capped by genetically encoded safeguards and blockades. Your only hope would be some theoretical way of using topical gene therapy to reprogram the resident stem cell niche in the epiphyseal plate to an early developmental stage via Yamanaka factors Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, Klf4
My growth plates are still open and mk677 inhibits your hgh production and since its your own bodies hgh it knows what to do with it and u develop. I do agree my dose is insufficient but i really think mk677 does not require something sk intrusive 😂 basically safe hgh? Am i wrong.
My growth plates are still open and mk677 inhibits your hgh production and since its your own bodies hgh it knows what to do with it and u develop. I do agree my dose is insufficient but i really think mk677 does not require something sk intrusive 😂 basically safe hgh? Am i wrong.
Are you under 18? goodness me forget what I said in dms please. I'm afraid there is like nothing you can do. I know this because one of my three masters degrees is in cell biology. Your best hope is to save up for limb lengthening procedures.
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  • #13
Dosage is insufficient, the increase in HGH will not be supraphysiological and even if it was you would be capped by genetically encoded safeguards and blockades. Your only hope would be some theoretical way of using topical gene therapy to reprogram the resident stem cell niche in the epiphyseal plate to an early developmental stage via Yamanaka factors Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, Klf4
If i am wrong please give me a good dosage to develop with. Ive read so much abt its effects in adults faces and seen it in images
Are you under 18? goodness me forget what I said in dms please. I'm afraid there is like nothing you can do. I know this because one of my three masters degrees is in cell biology. Your best hope is to save up for limb lengthening procedures.
ues im under 18😂 ive also experienced some height growth just barely mb just growth spurt
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  • #14
Are you under 18? goodness me forget what I said in dms please. I'm afraid there is like nothing you can do. I know this because one of my three masters degrees is in cell biology. Your best hope is to save up for limb lengthening procedures.

Are you under 18? goodness me forget what I said in dms please. I'm afraid there is like nothing you can do. I know this because one of my three masters degrees is in cell biology. Your best hope is to save up for limb lengthening procedures.
If i was over 18 i wouldnt be doing it
If i am wrong please give me a good dosage to develop with. Ive read so much abt its effects in adults face along with reading abt
kiddo you don't yet have the skills to interpret peer-reviewed literature, don't listen to any charlatans telling you that HGH will save you it will not, hgh will only allow someone to reach their maximum genetic height potential.
For mk you can take up to 50mgs for a more potent response but it will not make you any taller than your genetically encoded limits
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  • #16
Are you under 18? goodness me forget what I said in dms please. I'm afraid there is like nothing you can do. I know this because one of my three masters degrees is in cell biology. Your best hope is to save up for limb lengthening procedures.

kiddo you don't yet have the skills to interpret peer-reviewed literature, don't listen to any charlatans telling you that HGH will save you it will not, hgh will only allow someone to reach their maximum genetic height potential.
For mk you can take up to 50mgs for a more potent response but it will not make you any taller than your genetically encoded limits
Ofc u can still maxx it out tho ive read alot abt it dw i got this locked in now
kiddo you don't yet have the skills to interpret peer-reviewed literature, don't listen to any charlatans telling you that HGH will save you it will not, hgh will only allow someone to reach their maximum genetic height potential.
For mk you can take up to 50mgs for a more potent response but it will not make you any taller than your genetically encoded limits
arent genes only 80%?
arent genes only 80%?
no it's actually more, 80% refers to the non-interfereable part
20% is what you can control but again within the genetic confines, keep in mind genes respond to the environments they are placed in so for example you can like stunt it by being severely malnourished but only by so much which is why you may see certain impoverished african children growing to impressive heights despite malnourishment if they were properly nourished they have have been even taller but that was already encoded for them by the genes.
Don't mistake reaching your genetic potential for exceeding it. They are not the same and are commonly conflated on spaces like these forums riddled with uneducated teens and charlatans
no it's actually more, 80% refers to the non-interfereable part
20% is what you can control but again within the genetic confines, keep in mind genes respond to the environments they are placed in so for example you can like stunt it by being severely malnourished but only by so much which is why you may see certain impoverished african children growing to impressive heights despite malnourishment if they were properly nourished they have have been even taller but that was already encoded for them by the genes.
Don't mistake reaching your genetic potential for exceeding it. They are not the same and are commonly conflated on spaces like these forums riddled with uneducated teens and charlatans
i see what you mean, there is obviously a cap for height, your body will prevent you from exceeding a certain point by excreting substances, or transcription factors and other signalling molecules
but to a certain extent you can change it. my paternal grandparents are both roughly 5'5. my uncles are roughly 5'8-5'10, but my father grew 6'2. he drank a liter of milk everyday and worked out a uncles had a healthy lifestyle but did not go to extreme lengths like drinking a liter of milk every single day.
so even with a healthy lifestyle (with the kids you mentioned who were properly nourished), you might not reach the full extent. for example, children with genetically short statures can be given hgh to help boost their growth, when previosuly they had the genetic confines that you mentioned. before the bone plates fuse, trying to maximize your height is possible. so instead of the 20% being going backwards/negative/stunting height, it can be used to grow further past the genetic potential
does anyone with experience know what to take with 15 mgs of nutrabol?(ibutamoren)(mk677)i want to make sure i dont experience the side effects like, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. etc.
50mg is gay but 25 is sensible if you really wanna squeeze the most out of this stuff.
no it's actually more, 80% refers to the non-interfereable part
20% is what you can control but again within the genetic confines, keep in mind genes respond to the environments they are placed in so for example you can like stunt it by being severely malnourished but only by so much which is why you may see certain impoverished african children growing to impressive heights despite malnourishment if they were properly nourished they have have been even taller but that was already encoded for them by the genes.
Don't mistake reaching your genetic potential for exceeding it. They are not the same and are commonly conflated on spaces like these forums riddled with uneducated teens and charlatans
I will pull a gattaca and exceed my genetic potential
no it's actually more, 80% refers to the non-interfereable part
20% is what you can control but again within the genetic confines, keep in mind genes respond to the environments they are placed in so for example you can like stunt it by being severely malnourished but only by so much which is why you may see certain impoverished african children growing to impressive heights despite malnourishment if they were properly nourished they have have been even taller but that was already encoded for them by the genes.
Don't mistake reaching your genetic potential for exceeding it. They are not the same and are commonly conflated on spaces like these forums riddled with uneducated teens and charlatans
How much would you recommend to increase head size?
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  • #23
How much would you recommend to increase head size?
Mk677 would be too difficult to cycle for serious head growth.also i dont think your entire skull can grow too much as an adult. Even with high dosages of hgh your skull will probably not grow too much. Head and facial muscle growth. Also you will fill out your frame more. Theres this guy at my gym. Dont know what he cycles entirely but def on hgh. Watermelon head. His head is wide af
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i see what you mean, there is obviously a cap for height, your body will prevent you from exceeding a certain point by excreting substances, or transcription factors and other signalling molecules
but to a certain extent you can change it. my paternal grandparents are both roughly 5'5. my uncles are roughly 5'8-5'10, but my father grew 6'2. he drank a liter of milk everyday and worked out a uncles had a healthy lifestyle but did not go to extreme lengths like drinking a liter of milk every single day.
so even with a healthy lifestyle (with the kids you mentioned who were properly nourished), you might not reach the full extent. for example, children with genetically short statures can be given hgh to help boost their growth, when previosuly they had the genetic confines that you mentioned. before the bone plates fuse, trying to maximize your height is possible. so instead of the 20% being going backwards/negative/stunting height, it can be used to grow further past the genetic potential
Liter of milk aint shit ngl
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  • #26
Mk677 would be too difficult to cycle for serious head growth.also i dont think your entire skull can grow too much as an adult. Even with high dosages of hgh your skull will probably not grow too much. Head and facial muscle growth. Also you will fill out your frame more. Theres this guy at my gym. Dont know what he cycles entirely but def on hgh. Watermelon head. His head is wide af
I would honestly recommend any healthy normal person trying to grow to cycle mk677 at 10-15 mgs snd eventually up to 25-30 mgs for 6 months. Take 4 months off every cyle and repeat this yearly. (depending on how much u want to gain )
Bet, gimme 200k
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200/10 years × 12 months = $1.666,66... per month for 10 years. Got it?
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