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Hey guys, first post. Would appreciate honest, constructive advice!


New member
Aug 20, 2024
So, I am getting old and wish to make the most of my appearance while I am still, for a couple more years, in my 30s. Judging by what people have told me I am roughly average-looking, which is fine, but some improvement wouldn't exactly hurt.

I have been told that I look kinda feminine and asymmetric, and might benefit from a beard and dying my hair (it is dark reddish blond, and supposedly this is not flattering in men). My nose has been described as somewhat "piggish" and I have considered rhinoplasty for the issue.

Would much appreciate your honest, constructive thoughts on all this. Thanks for letting me join this community of yours, and I hope that I can offer the same for you in return.

Cheers! :)


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Yeah you need a beard, and a better hairstyle, maybe even a tan.
Oh yeah my hairstyle is shit, I cut it myself and didn't bother styling. Thanks, I'll find a good barber and get something better.

Tan great suggestion, I do tan well but spent all summer indoors studying for my PhD. Will take this to heart!

Thankfully I can grow a full beard. Out of curiosity, what do you think a beard would do for me? More mature look, concealing bad jawline? I have heard very conflicting opinions on this one, the typical counter-argument being that it makes me look older and less "angular". Thank you very much for your thoughtful input.
i see you have some redness, i dont know what caused it but you should figure it out and correct it
have a healthy lifestyle and lift
increase collagen
your lips are thin and in general you can cover up with a beard
get a better cut
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  • #8
i see you have some redness, i dont know what caused it but you should figure it out and correct it
have a healthy lifestyle and lift
increase collagen
your lips are thin and in general you can cover up with a beard
get a better cut
Hey dude! I do work out and am in good shape. Redness is due to a recent acne breakout, does collagen help with that stuff?

Are my lips really thin? Thought they were about average for a white guy.

Better cut yes!
Hey dude! I do work out and am in good shape.
good, i was recommending it just in case
Redness is due to a recent acne breakout, does collagen help with that stuff?
collagen makes skin look more firm and youthful
if you have post acne redness, you can use moisturizer, aloe vera, and maybe some other stuff
Are my lips really thin? Thought they were about average for a white guy.
they might be average but ideally people have thicker lips, it is considered attractive
Eat a good diet and you will be set
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