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Experience Hey I’m a new user.

Sep 14, 2024
Joined this forum because I don’t like the toxic incel bigots on .org. This forum seems to be exponentially more relaxed around gender fluid folks like myself. Im delighted at the fact that I can looks max for both of my genders. Whether I’m feeling masc or fem.
My male name is John finkle but you can refer to me as john if you would like and my female name is jasmine.

I would ask that you please respect that and refrain from insulting me so we can ascend together. Thanks.
Joined this forum because I don’t like the toxic incel bigots on .org. This forum seems to be exponentially more relaxed around gender fluid folks like myself. Im delighted at the fact that I can looks max for both of my genders. Whether I’m feeling masc or fem.
My male name is John finkle but you can refer to me as john if you would like and my female name is jasmine.

I would ask that you please respect that and refrain from insulting me so we can ascend together. Thanks.
Alright. But be warned, I am not one to mess with :monkagun:
Errrr. Not quite. It depends on the day. I’m either fully female and go by jasmine or fully male and go by John. No in between.
Aight. This is confirmed ragebait. Master has infiltrated this forum with one of his .org bots. Probably NumbthePain.
Erm I’m not brave enough to date as jasmine yet XD. I only came out publicly 4 months and 26 days ago.
Bros been countin the days. This is larp and rage bait. Making this off the top of his head or it's head, or their head, or ze's head, or whatever they are.

