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Discussion Hey there!


New member
May 10, 2020
Sorry for the greycel post, I'm from which is fun but I came to who I see as the superior intellect forum for questions.

We decided that under the Co ditions of MLF3, chinwing, ZSO, rhinoplasty, almond eye surgery and eppley jaw implants, cheekbone filler, infraorbital rim implants, brow implants and hairline transplant. Mis this with good skincare cycling tren enth (if unlikely to get MPB) and sex appeal maxxing you should be able to ascend by 2.3 psl. I would like to get your take on this! I have been told you don't reccomend surgery for everyone. But without posting my face I can sya 2 things 1) good base 2)i definitely need it. Thanks for reading
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  • #4
I think you should be able to ascend even further than 2.3, granted you weren't an eyesore fuck in the beginning.
4 psl now. We also analysis Ed a lot of the surgeries and most only ascended 0.5 psl I don't see how it will ascend more no offense.
4 psl now. We also analysis Ed a lot of the surgeries and most only ascended 0.5 psl I don't see how it will ascend more no offense.
You post your pics or PM me
4 psl now. We also analysis Ed a lot of the surgeries and most only ascended 0.5 psl I don't see how it will ascend more no offense.

Nvm, you're right. No worries I overestimated. 2.3 is p damn good then. I don't know what else you want me to say. Posting a pic would be helpful, consider it.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #7
Nvm, you're right. No worries I overestimated. 2.3 is p damn good then. I don't know what else you want me to say. Posting a pic would be helpful, consider it.
I would, but I just needed to get an intellects view on thsi haha

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