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high effort post


Mar 23, 2020
some of you really gotta take a break from blackpill forums. you have all these negative thoughts and ideas and only affirm and worsen it by exposing yourself to nihilistic material. its a constant downward cycle. realize that you are much more fortunate than you feel and be grateful with what you are working with. there are people far less fortunate, this is not intended to downplay your struggles nor to pretend everything is okay.

you have been blessed with a higher awareness but some of you can not handle the knowledge you have been given well. know your limits, dont push yourself more than you can handle. there will never be a be all to end all so that is why its so important to appreciate what you have and what youve worked for. realize everything youve done has lead you to this point, so dont get too stuck up on the past and learn from it. work at your own pace, it really is never too late to change for the better. once you hit rock bottom only way is up because hope is your cope.

biggest takeaway from this is to take time for yourself
Legit man.

I have realised that if you choose to be you don't have to be stuck in life.


Go to a few seminars or buy some second hand books (which are dirt cheap) to upgrade your skillset and get a promotion or a higher job or start your own business.

Hate the people/country you live in?

Move somewhere else, learn a different language if you have too. You don't even have to stay in one place.

Etc. etc.


Go to amsterdam.
The blackpill lowkey ruined my life, but I wouldn’t have it any other way tbh.
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The blackpill lowkey ruined my life, but I wouldn’t have it any other way tbh.
whole point of this and many other sites is to use the blackpill to your advantage but this has depreciated overtime, with people who have done so moving on and the others remaining and forums turning into a cesspool. dont be the latter

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